
Friday 8 July 2011

It's Paint Party Friday again!

Good morning you all, it's Friday again, and that means it's Paint Party Friday , hosted by Eva and Kristin.
I decided I had to do something different this week, although I still seem to be under the influence of the sixties and seventies. The first picture has a typical sixties background, painted in shades of pink, blue and lilac. Then I sprayed the background with home made perfect pearls mist before drawing the dancing queens with help of a template - an enlarged and cut out clip-art - and painting them black. I had to give three coats of black paint, as the gold perfect pearls showed through too much. Then I drew the doodles with black ink, and crowned the queens to finish it off.

The second one has been sprayed again, but this time onto a white background, using different shades of perfect pearls mist. This time I just added one *Queen*, I think she is not only the dancing queen but also the queen of hearts. I have had these golden rub-ons in seventies style for ages, and didn't really know what to do with them - till today. By using other colours and ornaments this drawing is more in the style of the seventies - I'm making progress, wonder when I'll arrive in 2011? Oh, and I forgot to say - the text written round my dancing queen is Abba's song-text, you may have to turn your computer round a bit if you want to read it!

And I made a canvas for the *Sunday Stampers* challenge. Hels wants to see Writing this week, so I gave my canvas a literary touch and used quotes from Pride and Prejudice. I first applied some ancient book pages, scraps of pink silk, and some hand made paper with gesso to the canvas. Then I stamped some images and words from *Darkroom Door* onto tissue and applied them with mod-podge. When that was dry, I started on the next layer. I printed the title page, some quotes, a little silhouette and a picture of Jane Austen as a young woman onto acetate, placing them over the stamped images. I like to put in lots of layers, even if some are out of sight at the end, then they should be like life is, with many layers. I added a large flower, made from the same book pages as the background, die cut, and dipped into molten Utee using the melting pot. The paper became completely transparent, which was an effect I had not expected! Anyway, as you may have gathered, I enjoyed making it and am rambling on too much today, so here are
the pics!

And to end, another one of Narda's jokes. Enjoy!

It was entertainment night at the senior center and the "Amazing Claude" was topping the bill. People came from miles around to see the famed hypnotist do his stuff. As Claude went to the front of the meeting room, he announced, "unlike most hypnotists who invite two or three people up here to be put into a trance, I intend to hypnotize each and every member of the audience."

The excitement was almost electric as Claude withdrew a beautiful antique pocket watch from his coat. "I want you each to keep your eye on this antique watch. It's a very special watch/ It's been in my family for six generations. He began to swing the watch gently back and forth while quietly chanting. "Watch the watch, watch the watch, watch the watch..." The crowd became mesmerized as the watch swayed back and forth, light gleaming off its polished surface. Hundreds of pairs of eyes followed the swaying watch, until suddenly------ it slipped from the hypnotist's fingers and fell to the floor, breaking into a hundred pieces. "Sh*t!" said the hypnotist.

It took three weeks to clean up the senior center.

So, here's wishing you all a good day, take care, and thanks for visiting!


  1. Hi Val, just a quickie before I start on the dreaded h*******k, P and the kids are coming back this afternoon! Love what you have created again! Take care. Hugs, Sarah

  2. Your 70's girls are tooo coool! And of course I'm still an Abba fan. Jane turned out excellent as well. Hope you have a lovely day. Take care. sending hugs, Donna

  3. I love your paintigs and your Jane canvas is beautiful. Have a lovely day.
    xxx Hazel.

  4. What an awesome idea with the silhuetes! Love what you've done with them. :)

  5. hahaha again! Great joke! And your images are 'very psychedelic baby!' I love how your layering though, it creates such a good texture! My dash board has been changed totally. No longer can I see everyone's latest posts, my followers and links to my post,comments and edit in one page. I have to wander all over the place to find everyone. Maybe they are tweaking a bit using random blogs to experiment with. But I hope they change it back soon! x Julie

  6. Absolutely loving your dancing queens (we're all going to be singing that for the rest of the day!) and such a pretty canvas. Enjoy your day. xx

  7. Hope it soon gets back to normal, that must be very frustrating for you! valerie

  8. hee hee hee funny!!!! Love your funky pieces!! Very cool!

  9. Dancing Queen is, perhaps, my favourite Abba song (and yes, I'll probably be singing it all day now!) - I love all your "groovy" pictures. The Jane Austen is perfect.Thanks for making me LOL - great joke!
    Have a good weekend.
    Hugs xx

  10. Love your word Canvas Val. The flower looks great.

  11. Very cool! So unique! Love the colors too! Thanks for sharing your process! Happy ppf!

    Hugs Giggles

  12. Seventies Disco Era is certainly happening at your Blog LOL.
    Love the Jane Austen inspired artwork, gorgeous.

  13. Just gorgeous artwork Valerie and I must say I'm enjoying your retro work loads.
    Fabulous canvas for Sunday Stampers too and love the Austen theme.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  14. LOVE LOVE LOVE the dancing queens! both 60 & 70's version. Can't wait to try your process. Sorry to hear about Claude's watch, ouch.
    cheers, dana
    thanks for all your kind comments!

  15. Love your dancing queens, and the JA canvas, you know I love reading her! Hugs, Barb

  16. What fun silhouettes Valerie and the P&P pieces are terrific! LOL at your joke...o MY! Happy PPF!

  17. Am singing here Valerie....I'm in the mood for dancing, romancing.....lah lah lah.... now that ages Great idea using the template and painting them black, and love the way utee affected the paper of your other off now for another quick dance.......see ya........xx

  18. love the cool silhouettes!!! and the collages are gorgeous too!!!

  19. So cool takes me back to DISCO lmao ha h a thanks for the memories ;0) Dxx

  20. Ach, Dawn - you're just a spring chicken! You wouldn't know about those times!

  21. I love, love, love your silhouettes! :-)

  22. party time for the Dancing Paint Party friday entry! COOL! Thx for joining in the Follow fun over at Pop Art Minis

  23. These make me want to BOOGIE! Love the journaling on them too. Happy PPF!

  24. Hi Valerie, Love your dancing queens, so seventies and lots of fun! Your canvas really appeals to me I love the soft pink and the layers you've captured the era beautifully:0) As for the joke well have to admit to a bit of a giggle, thanks Hugs Gay xxx

  25. great inspiration from the 60's and 70's, your work really captures the era, good job Valerie. And you know I love Narda's jokes...good one.

  26. Ha ha ha ha, love the joke!

    The silhouette girls remind me of James Bond girls - they're very groovy backgrounds, I really like them.
    Great canvas too, I love Jane Austen!

    I'm lovin' the new background, btw.


  27. Oh how I have missed you and Narda's jokes! Your cards and tags are gorgeous! I am behind in my reading, I have seen all your lovely work from my Google Reader at least 20 posts, each of them more lovely than the last! I hope to stay up to date, this catch up is overwhelming! Take care my friend. ~Diane

  28. Fabulous makes! Love the disco divas and the fabulous collage. Kim

  29. Love your disco divas! I suddenly have the urge to do the Hustle - am I dating myself? And Jane - the lovely Jane - what's not to adore? Great job - and I love the joke!

  30. Fantastic pieces again today. Love the new look of your blog as well. Yvonne x

  31. Love your dancers and the Pride and Prejudice gorgeous!! Wishing you a happy weekend and glad I wasn't at the senior center! lol


  32. Cindy, I used to work at one, I know what sort of things happen there!

  33. The Jane mixed media piece is great!!! HAPPY PPF!

  34. Oh this is great Valerie! I love your dancing ladies. Thanks for the process and isn't it fun doing silhouettes. I love it! Happy PPF!

  35. I remember the 70's and your girls are oh so cool! Beautiful job! Love the effect of the flower also! Have a great weekend!

  36. your new header as well as you Paint Friday art, Valerie.


  37. dear Valerie,
    love the dancing diva, beautiful template. Your Jane Austen collage was wonderful too, so dimensional. Yr joke cracked me up!thanks for the laugh. take care, gerri

  38. What fun disco queen paintings! Well done!

  39. This post made me want to start dancing before I even saw the Abba text! hee hee Now I really want to go dancing! (I love that song) Such fun!


  40. Wow!
    A paint party, indeed. Love these paintings :]

  41. Wicked joke !!! Love your dancing queens remind me a bit of Charlie's Angels to be honest ! fabulous pieces. . The collage is beautiful lovely layers and accents.


  42. Am ROFL - brilliant joke!!! Loving your art, those faux porcelain flowers are LUSH! Thanks for joining in with the Sunday Stamper x

  43. Love all your Queens! How fun; the first ones remind me of a TV show but I'm getting CRS lately and can't think of the name! and the joke was hilarious! Happy PPF!

  44. I think I like the second queen the best!

  45. Enjoying all the queens. Such strong image with lovely colors. Well Done!

  46. Loving those dancing queens! Great work with the silhouettes. Beautiful effect in the backgrounds!

  47. Those were the days, for sure! And you captured it perfectly.


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