
Wednesday 22 June 2011

Two challenges and a joke from Narda....

Good morning you all! See be another grey day here. I managed to prise myself out of bed and stagger to the coffee maker, once I get the first wafts of the aroma I know I'm alive. Isn't there a saying like that? When you wake up in the morning, and nothing hurts, you're in heaven??
Yesterday I spent the day painting pink, but I can't show it yet as it's for the week of colour next Monday. But I did manage two challenges yesterday. The first is for *Less is More* , where the ladies want to see a monogram. As I don't have any monograms to stamp, I drew this one:

I hope the message comes over CAS - CAT!

And at Gingersnaps they are still busy shopping at the Mall all month so GC 107 is about bags and tags. The bags I have here are mostly from the discounter for groceries, and I am NOT going to show my shopping tags so you see I have bought the things which have already been reduced 7 times, but I found a small paper bag from the chemist's to alter. At my age I am more there than at the mall! I painted it with metallic paints, bubbled it, and then stamped the corners using my fave fourish stamp. I added som floral rub ons, butterflies and flowers - the malls are all highly decorated these days! and a TH dress form dressed in half a lace doiley. That was about it!
This was after the bubbling, this was the best part for me!

And here is the finished result.
And just for my good measure, another zendoodle portrait I made a while back:
I think I wasn't in a very good mood on that day, either!

Well, after that, I think we could all do with another one of Narda's funnies, so here it is:

A Florida senior citizen drove his brand new Corvette convertible out of the dealership. Taking off down the road, he floored it to 80 mph, enjoying the wind blowing through what little hair he had left.

"Amazing!" he thought as he flew down I-75, pushing the pedal to the metal even more. Looking in his rear view mirror, he saw the highway patrol behind him, blue lights flashing and siren blaring. "I can get away from him. No problem!" thought the elderly gent as he floored it to 100 mph, then 110, then 120 mph.

Suddenly, he thought, "What on earth am I doing? I'm too old for this nonsense and pulled over to the side of the road and waited for the trooper to catch up.

Pulling in behind him, the trooper walked up to the driver's side of
the Corvette, looked at his watch and said, "Sir, my shift ends in 30 minutes. Today is Friday. If you can give me a good reason why you were speeding that I've never heard before, I'll let you go."

The man, looking very seriously at the trooper, said, "Years ago, my wife ran off with a Florida State Trooper. I thought you were bringing her back."

"Have a good day, sir," said the Trooper and left.

Wish you all a happy day too, free from aches and pains. Take care of yourselves, and thanks for visiting!


  1. ROFL - that funny made a great start to the day - thanks so much for sharing. :)
    Wonderful artwork as always.
    Hugs xx

  2. Extremely clever and effective cat, although as it is the start of the word 'cat' it isn't a monogram
    FAB card though!
    Thanks so much
    Diva LIM mandi
    LEss is More

  3. Hee hee, like the joke! I can see the fun in your zendoodle portrait too. Loving the gorgeous colours on the bag and the doodlie cat. Have a nice day. Suze xx

  4. This is a super drawing and a fab card but in order to be a monogram there shouldn't be a complete word!
    I do envy you your drawing skills!
    What a terrific cat!
    Thanks so much
    Lady LIM
    "Less is More"

  5. Your doodle cat is very very clever, Valerie. I fell in love. The bubbles are always fun and love the way you dressed the TH die cut. Very dramatic painting .. again, very illustrative. Love coming here in the morning with my cuppa. Have a great day and take care. hugs, Donna

  6. Chrissie and Mandy, I know that a monogram is not the whole word - but I need to have fun with my art, and I think you should have noticed by now that my entries are not always to to be taken seriously!

  7. Great LIM card, very clever design. Love the joke. Carol x

  8. hahah great joke. And I love the bag. it looks like you had fun with it!

  9. Oh Yes! Good morning Valerie, know all about that coffee feeling:0) Love your Cat monogram it's clever too, beautiful colours on your art work again today. Your Zentangle work isn't very happy but art can't always be about sun and happiness and I have to say you ended with a corker of a funny, so all smiles here, hugs Gay xxx

  10. If only excuses like that worked on speed cameras LOL

    Keep seeing these fantastic doodles you have been doing especially the third share here today and wondering why you do not enter them in our Just for Fun challenge?

    And that bag wonderful all that sensational thick bubbled paint yum XOXO Zoe

  11. Good Morning - although barely.
    The monogram is fabulous, so clever!
    Wonderful entry for GSC challenge and as always I am fascinated with your self-portraits.

  12. I love your zendoodle portrait and your bag is fabulous.
    xxx Hazel.

  13. Hahaha. Love th joke! :)) And all the work you've is beautiful. Love the bag.

  14. Great card, love your art work. Had a good old giggle at your joke too.
    Lynne xxx

  15. ROFL - what a great way to start my morning - tooooo funny! Love all of your pieces - your bag is sooo fun, with all the great textures and colors - beautiful. And I love your tangle pieces, too. What a great monogram piece. Thanks for sharing at Gingersnap Creations. :)

  16. Your doodled cat is awesome, Valerie! Love the bag and your self portrait :)

  17. LOVE the bag you made!.. Just AMAZING in the photo, so I can't imagine how stunning it must be up close!... The CAT monogram is so CUTE!!... LOVED the state trouper story too! My first smile this morning, so thanks! ~tina

  18. Ha ha ha! That was my first laugh today! Had to go to the doc with the little one, he was sick all night! Lovely work, as always, Hugs, Sarah

  19. LOL! Always great to start the day with a laugh! Love your zendoodles! :)

  20. HAHAHA!!! That's a good one! Love your Zendoodle portrait and your Cat Card is fun!

  21. LOL! Thanks so much for sharing that funny story!! LOVEd it!! Your drawing skills are awesome...and so is your card! I've just tried zentangle this week as I hadn't heard of it before, and I'm hooked!!
    My Card

  22. I always enjoy your less is more and your self portraits. And those jokes lol. wishing you a pain free wake up tomorrow morning! always helps if the sun comes out.

  23. A lot of texture and pure gorgeous art here!

  24. Your cat is brilliant
    Beryl x

  25. Super pieces, I love your cat. Had a good laugh at the joke as well. Yvonne x

  26. Valerie have you thought of putting the coffee machine right next to the bed ?? It would avoid all the staggering in the morning ! Love your monogram CAS CAT and I love the humor in your work. The zendoodle is very interesting (in a good way ) what where you thinking when you did it I wonder. The bag also is amazing lovely texture and super wow colours.

    Hope you are back to normal after your fall certainly hasn't slowed you down.


  27. fab work as usual val,

    and thanks for the funny, just want I needed, something to laugh at, thanks...x

    maria xx

  28. Marie, I had one next to thr bed, but my friend has it now 'cause her's broke!

  29. Love that cat, and enjoyed your funny story !


  30. Yes that would deserve not getting a ticket!! Lol.

  31. Fab card even if it doesn't conform strictly to the monogram rules


  32. Thanks, but my motto is *Rules are there to be broken!*

  33. You cracked me up this am! Love your bubbly bag today...

  34. Brilliant cat,great bag and cool joke!

  35. I love your gorgeous background on your bag! Thanks for joining us at Gingersnap Creations.

  36. Fabulous texture on your bag - that looks like a really fun technique - and I love your doodled cat! Thanks for playing along with us at Gingersnap Creations :-)


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