
Tuesday 14 June 2011

Steampunk and flowers

Good morning you all. Just managed to roll out of bed and reach the coffee maker in time, what would I do without it. I start to revive when the aroma drifts towards me, and from then on things start to get better. Now I know why George Clooney is always so keen on keeping his nespresso capsules, I wouldn't give mine up voluntarily either!
Yesterday I visited a friend, so we did a lot of chatting, eating and playing cards, and there was much not crafting time or energy by the time I got home. I managed 2 tags and a small card, and then fell into bed.
First the card. Tall and thin, because it's accompanying a mini bottle of bubbly, and I wanted it to be the same size as the box. And red flowers because the lady getting it likes red flowers....

And I even prickled some parchment for the background, never again!

The two tags I made yesterday are for
Simon Says Stamp and Show who want to see distressed and torn edges, and for
Sunday Stampers, where Hels wants to see Steampunk. So I am entering both tags into both challenges because I can't decide. I have put some of the great things built during the Victorian age, on one card the Eiffel Tower and on the other Tower Bridge, which I am espcially fond of as I was born and grew up just round the corner from there. The tags are a bit gloomy, then the *steampunk* time, although often shown so glamourous, was a time of fog and smog, stinking factory chimneys, children's labour and great hardship for many poor people in the great cities, of which London and Paris are just 2 examples. On the Paris tag there is a half of a clock, a symbol for the 12 hours most people worked each day. And still a scrap of music - the music hall entertainments were a great source of fun for the people. And on the London tag I have used a black cog as a black sun, darkening the London Skies, and there is a compass, showing the many directions in which the ships steamed to bring back goods. And if you look closely, you will see that the lady driving her chariot is really driving a steaming tea pot, which was the drink for rich and poor.
Sorry, seem to have slipped into sermon mode again, here are the tags:

OK, I will try to do something happier for tomorrow! Take care, have agreat day, and thanks for visiting!


  1. I love your tags. Very moody! And Nespresso, ah yes I'm off to make myself a Decaffeinato Lungo. I want to sleep tonight.
    hugs Julie

  2. Glad you put Tower Bridge on, I know you used to play with my Mum near there! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Gorgeous pricked tag, the background looks so delicate. I think your Steampunk tags are fabulous, I love the teapot as a mode of transport, as I have to have a whole pot full to start my day. Yvonne xx

  4. Aah! Coffee - time for another one I think. :)
    What fabulous tags Valerie - I don't think they're depressing at all - just moody and very appropriate for the time.
    Hugs xx

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I love art that makes a "social statement". These are fantastic interpretations of the time period.

  7. So much character Valerie! Yes, the times were harsh, but no harsher than today .. just different. Tower bridge is one of my favorite bridges in the entire world ... who makes the stamp please? I can never find good London Stamps. Always used to think of the 'heads on spikes' which were put on Tower Bridge after somebody got a little over zealous and ordered beheadings at the Tower. Now, those were the days! Ah yes, we have come from such a civilized blood line ... on that note I will leave you. The tags are extraordinary!

  8. The heads were stuck on the old London Bridge, a little further to the west, but as Kids we used to imagine blood dripping onto our heads when we walked over Tower bridge! And we loved it! The London Stamps are from Artemio, and for a good price, too!

  9. Love those blue tags, what a great series! Beautiful card too. Of course I had to Google Nespresso capsules, lol, thanks for sharing!

  10. Beautiful tags, Valerie! I love, love, love the tall card. How did you prickle?

  11. I embossed the only scrap of pergament I found with a sizzix plate and then prickled with a needle and foam mat, not really my idea of fun! It helps to put the mat onto a table, if you are working on your lap like I did you get some holes in your legs!

  12. Great tags Valerie, I particularly like the black 'sun'. I've never tried parchment pricking, bit of a faff was it? xx

  13. Oh wow, Valerie, this is all sensational!! I love what you created! and I hope you had fun at your friend's house too~

  14. Good Morning...buzzing by to see what fantastic fun you created yesterday! Awesome tags as always! Have a wonderful day!

  15. Very gorgeous tags, you always seem to get so much done x

  16. Hi ya hun, I am really liking the tags you're creating at the moment and yesterdays were wonderful to.

    Love Dawn xx

  17. Hi
    Wonderful details on the tags, so much to study.
    Always such fun visiting your Blog.

  18. Fabulous tags - such a lot to look at.
    xxx Hazel.

  19. Isn't steampunk just plain fun! Love it!

  20. fabby art as ever hun... thank you for joining in with the SUnday sTamper... loving your Steampunk style!!

  21. Gorgeous and the parchment has such a delicate look :)

  22. These are amazing! Fabulous work, xoxo

  23. Beautiful work! LOVE your tags, and got a kick out of the teapot chariot! ~tina

  24. Really enjoy what you are creating with the "altered cardboard" These tags are wonderful! Love them all!
    I like the look that the distressed inks give the background your are very creative <3

  25. Love the tags! Hugs Marilou

  26. your card is super, she's sure to love it, especially as she likes red flowers, thoughtful of you.

  27. dear Valerie,
    I think I love your tags the best of all you create. They have fabulous color and dimension!
    Party on!, gerri

  28. Super duper tags. Love them as always. Have a great rest of the week.:))

  29. Re Heads ... yes, of course you are right. Jogged my memory. I always thought London bridge was so boring ... they sold it to the states, right? Tower bridge had much more character for 'that sort of thing'. I do love your tags .. they are so 'loaded' and it works. Had to have another look. I found the stamps for 8.80 ... I'm trying to be good now though! I strongly dislike being 'good'. hugs, Donna

  30. Stopping in to enjoy your blog and daily creations! Both of which are awesome! Hugs,Tee

  31. Love your tags! There is so much to see! Love vibrant colours! Great design and techniques.

  32. Wonderful tags!!! Love all of the detail!
    Thanks for joining us at the Simon Says Stamp & Show Challenge!


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