
Wednesday 1 June 2011

Art Journal for June and Crazy Amigo Challenge

During my school and student days in England, I often had the urge to write on walls. Graffiti were not as common then as they are now, perhaps because there were no spray cans of paint, and felt tips and Eddings unbelievably expensive. But I didn’t just want to write on any old wall. I wanted to write on a nice, old wall of white stone, like at the Tower Of London or on one of those beautiful, ruined abbeys. I always had a pencil with me, but I never dared. In the Tower you can still see verses etc that the prisoners carved into the wall hundreds of years ago, now protected by glass. But I never had the courage to scribble my initials or write a text anywhere. Pity! So I decided to make 2 Gothic windows in stone walls for my art journal this month, so that I can write my texts or words of wisdom on the stones. And then I remembered the story of Daniel, in Exile in Bablyon, at the Feast of King Belshazzar, where words - written from a hand without arm or body - appeared on the walls, *Mene, Mene, Tekel u-Pharsin*, which is mostly interpreted to mean *You have been weighed in the balances and found wanting* (Daniel Chap.5)
So I wrote this on my wall too, and we will see at the end of the month how the story develops. I am linking this to the *Kathryn Wheel*
And here the pictures:

And I also made a card for the *Crazy Amigos* challenge blog, whose theme this week is chairs, I have used a chair and my wonderful little Miss Bird from Character Constructions, I have fallen in love with this stamp!

I stamped the background and then stamped Miss Birdie on a scrap of white card, cut her out after watercolouring her, did some paper piecing at the front of her dress for more fullness, and stood her on the chair. I wonder what she is getting up to there? I am also entering this into Simon Says Stamp and Show, then Miss Bird is really my fave stamp just now!

Well, that was it for today. Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for visiting!


  1. My, Mrs Bird is looking splendid this morning with her gold bow and surrounded by beautiful flowers, I think she's feeling on top of the world (chair!). Have fun doodling on your walls. xx

  2. Ohhh you always fascinate me Valerie with your beautiful work and how you are inspired.Love the writing on the wall idea !! fab !!
    Ohhh and just so you dont miss out, if you would like some vintage collage images free ... I am giving away a $2.00 collage sheet today for just ONE DAY ONLY at my Dezinaworld blog... so please pop by and grab it while its there ... Have a lovely day my friend
    hugs June x
    ps, if you could be so kind as to tell as many of your friends about todays freebie i would be thrilled :)

  3. Love your journal page, and the writing on the wall, and of course, lil' Miss Bird! Hugs, Sarah

  4. Valerie
    Fabulous! Not only amazing journal pages but I love the fact they tell a story, a memory from your past, which makes them so special.
    That birdie is a pure delight :)

  5. Love the idea of creating walls specifically for this purpose. I like the way you think!

  6. OK, you've certainly got me stoked this morning. The writing on the wall has my imagination racing. I remember all those carved notes in places like the Tower. It always made me wonder what I would have written had it been me in there. Birdie ... she's sooo gorgeous! No wonder you have fallen in love. And .. you dress her so beautifully ... designer of course! She has a good home. Enjoy your day - don't have a clue what I'm up to yet. hugs, Donna

  7. So a tour of ancient sites in the UK will not find a single Valarie was here marking! LOL You do make your mark now those Gothic windows and vandalised walls are brilliant really cool idea. XOXO Zoe

  8. Love your wall, and Miss Birdie is sooooooooooooo pretty, love her! Hugs, Barb

  9. I LOVE your journal pages! Your writing on the wall has my imagination going now, too. I love the graffiti style that's so popular now. You are always an inspiration, Valerie. And you KNOW I love that Miss Birdie stamp! I'm stalking my mailman everyday looking for your envelope! :)

  10. It's on its way Pam, but it's not called snail post for nothing!

  11. oh,love the idea of writing on walls! Look forward to the journey! I'm sure it will be amazing!

  12. Valerie, your journal is going to be exceptional and off to a good start. It will be so fun to follow along.

    Your birdie card is darling and I love her on the chair.


  13. Terrific journal pages and of course I adore your bird and the little one who is looking up her skirt.....great fun. Annette x

  14. Oops, Netty, never noticed that! Naughty little bird!

  15. I love your writing on the wall, this will be fun to see you progress through it. I too am in love with your card and Miss Bird, she always brings a smile to my face. Something that visiting your blog always does anyway, but I smile brighter when Miss Bird is here!

  16. Love the graffitti wishes! ha! Go put your art in the world and leave a mark! Wonderful stuff val! xo

  17. Amazing journal pages I love how each day we learn a little more about your life and it's always so interesting. I'm in love with your bird stamp she is splendid and I simply have to have her if I can find her !


  18. shall I say, 'nice graffiti'? Glad you found an acceptable way to 'write on the wall'.

  19. wonderful embellishments to these pieces. lively and fun!

  20. Love miss birdie on the chair! gerri :)

  21. Awesome journal pages!! That birdie is so cute!!

  22. hummm.... wonder if thats why I paint walls for a living. At least i can't get in trouble for it these days.LOL
    Love your little bird on the chair, Just darling!
    hugs Lynn

  23. love love love your windows - they are amazing and detailed!!! Just love that gorgeous birdie too!!!! Fantastic art!

  24. Very clever... your writing on the walls theme. I just adore these art journal pages! :]
    The little "Miss Birdie" very cute.
    Always enjoy my time here, thank you for sharing your talents <3

  25. Amazing artwork. Enjoy your calendar pages :)

  26. Stunning and so different, fabulous work!!

  27. Wow...your art journal is awesome! I especially like your Miss Birdie page. She's very unique!! Thanks for sharing your work with us at Simon Says Stamp and Show Challenge. <3 Candy

  28. I love the scenes you've created! Beautiful work!!

    Thanks so much for entering the Simon Says Stamp & Show Challenge!!!


  29. Love those pages they are way too cool for school. Miss Birdie looks great but scares me (eek) x

  30. Great card, I love the flourishes you've used! The Design Team are really pleased that you joined us for the Simon Says Stamp and Show Challenge this week - Thank you!

  31. Fabulously creative pages Love the idea of writing on the wall - such fun!

  32. This is such a great take on the calendar idea, and such a good story to go along with it. I look forward to seeing it all filled in. Kate x

  33. Great pages for the calendar challenge, love your take on it x


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