
Friday 6 May 2011

Woohoo! Paint Party Friday and Giveaway!

Good morning you all. Welcome to another Paint Party Friday! And of course to my giveaway. I am celebrating 100 followers and nearly 50,000 visitors to my blog. So, what am I giving away? Here's the answer:
A set of three butterfly tags.

A set of bee tags:

The set of 3 London Tags, and the set of 3 Paris tags that were on my blog yesterday are also in the giveaway.

This means 3 winners will each get one tag out of each of the sets, a total of four altogether.
And there are 2 mini-books to be had, too.

You can see more pictures of this one here

You can see more pics of this one here

If you would like to be one of the winners of a set of four different tags, or a mini book, please leave a comment, and how I can contact you. If there are more comments than prizes, the names will be drawn.
If you are a follower of my blog, you get 2 chances. Everything easy peasy!
I will be drawing the names tomorrow morning, and will put the names of the winners on my blog. I will send the prizes out in mail art envelopes, and put a few surprises into each envelope,too. So, here's wishing you good luck!
Now to Paint Party Friday
I am showing a set of pictures, done with water colour pencils, which I made a couple of years ago. I was trying to capture the images of a strange dream I had with ducks, beetles, faces and flowers all floating about. It wasn't scary either, just strange!

Okay, this has been a long post again. So, good luck in the draw, enjoy PPF, and have a great day whatever you are up to. Thanks for visiting!


  1. Such intricate painting for such fantastic dream. Love the beetles. I've been planning to draw and paint one as well.

    And all your giveaway items are wonderful artwork. Congrat for having 100 followers! Great Job! ;)

  2. Wonderful way to capture a dream your pictures have a wonderful dream like quality.

    Congratulations on 100 followers and 50,000 visitors way to go. There is always something delightful, charming and inspiring to see here thank you. your give away is most generous going to be some very happy winners. XOXO Zoe

  3. Oh gosh--what a beautiful giveaway! And congratulations on your followers!!! This is exciting! You are SO talented!!!

  4. Congrats Val, you have put a lot of hard work into your blog, and always offer something worth looking at! Please count me in your draw, too, you know my addy! Hugs, Sarah & Kids

  5. I love the tags! The butterflies are wonderful. And you had some bizzare dreams. :))) Good work!

  6. Congratulations on your 100 followers. That's fantastic, you deserve it! I love interpreting my dreams, they are so symbolic. Did you actually having a go at doing that?

  7. Yes, I do, and it often makes sense, and I can relate to things that recently happened!

  8. Beautiful sketches of your dream.
    Thanks you so much for a chance to win some of your tags and mini-books . I really love your work. :)
    Hugs xx

  9. Love what you did here. Dreams inspire me all the time, when I remember them that is. Whoo hoo 100 plus followers, you deserve it.

  10. Wow Valerie, what a fabulous array of artwork. Many congratulations on your 100 followers and thanks for the chance at such a great giveaway.
    As for those paintings, it looks like you're dreaming in technicolour and a lot more colour than mine too - gorgeous paintings!
    Have a great weekend.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  11. Clever dream pictures - they are as vivid and as confusing as the real thing (although they make such a lot of sense at the time, don't they?!).

    Beautiful tags and gorgeous mini-books - please put my name in the hat.

    Congratulations on your 100 followers - ooh, I see you've now got 101!


  12. What a generous give away!! Congratulations on getting to 100 followers and 50,000 views!! My personal favourite is the second book - the little copper looking one - it's beautiful!

    Your dream work is fabulous - the concept reminds me very much on Salvador Dali's surreal artwork!

  13. Lovely drawings and the tags are just gorgeous! :-)

  14. WOW what gorgeous and generous give aways, Valerie! Congrats!! I'm keeping my fingers, toes and eyes crossed :) You will have some happy and lucky winners.

    Your paintings are fabulous. I really like the bright colours!

  15. Congrats on your 100 followers!!!
    Your art is priceless and I will be very lucky to win something made by you,Valerie!
    Hugs Alex

  16. BIG congrats on reaching 100! Wonderfully generous giveaway of lovelies and am intrigued by your watercolor portrayals of your dream...wondering if these symbols have a meaning...Regardless, Happy PPF!

  17. Happy Friday Valerie and congratulations. Love your drawings, your dreams must have been very vivid for you to remember them in such detail. Fascinating. Tags are exquisite. Have a lovely weekend. Suze x

  18. A big Congratulations on 100 people who LOVE your blog. With good reason ... you have created such a great place to visit. I'd love to be part of your very generous draw. The paintings captured my interest ... certainly an interesting dream and a wonderful way to interpret them. Have a fun day, Valerie. hugs from Mexico, Donna

  19. Happy PPF! I love how creative these are, such fun colors and compositions!

  20. I love your colourful dream paintings Valerie and your tags are beautiful. Congratulations on reaching 100.
    xxx Hazel.

  21. WOW! Great giveaway....count me in and CONGRATS on 100. Love your paintings...the colors definitely caught my eye!

  22. Gorgeous tags and the artwork is stunning Valerie! I love the new direction that dream took you in. I would love to be included in the draw. ~Diane

  23. Very beautiful! I love them, are a great artisan. Greetings

  24. Strange dreams ...agree with Pointy Pix.....very Dali for sure!

    Keep Dreaming....beautiful art appears from within!

    Oh , would luv to be a part of the draw for your lovely art.

    Annabelle xx

  25. Fantastic tags and paintings, follow your dreams takes a new meaning, the ducks are real cute. I would love the chance to win one of your goegeous creations. Yvonne x

  26. Hi
    Congratulations on 100 plus Followers!!!
    I'd love to own a piece of your art.
    The painting is like a dream, quite amazing.
    Lynne M

  27. What a beautiful giveaway! Congrats on reaching 100+ & your paintings are so pretty & surreal!
    Happy PPF! Theresa

  28. Congrats Val! Your Blog is Fantastic! Lots more to follow, because your addictive! Hugs Tee!

  29. Beautiful tags! Each is a work of art in itself! Love your little dream scapes; aren't dreams funny? Happy PPF!

  30. My goodness, your art is amazing!! I'm glad I found you (through Gingersnap Creations) Congratulations on 100 followers!

  31. oh la la !!!! everything is gorgeous here....the tags are amazing and your ppf work!!! love them!!!!

    Happy PPF!!!!

  32. Beautiful tags and mini books some of your followers are going to be very luck, hope I am one of them. Great work in depicting your dream but I think it might have scared me just a little.

  33. Pick me pick me ! I have my hand up ! Beautiful tags and minis amazing stamping and colouring. As For PPF what surreal images beautifully captured.The second one is my favourite , just love that ducks expression looks like he's thinking how did I get here !> Congrats on reaching 100 ( followers )


  34. your ppf work is so inspired this week, love it. one of a kind for sure.

  35. What a great idea to use your dreams as inspiration!! Intriguing and lovely. Wish I knew more about symbolism....

  36. Congratulations on your blog at 100 followers! Tremendous! I love that.
    Good luck with your giveaway - i love the 3 dimensional quality of your tags! They are so sweet! have a great day!

  37. Oh goodness where do I start Valerie......The tags and books are terrific, so yes please.....
    So loving your dream pictures you are obviously at one with these animals, great work as usual. Annette x

  38. Netty...what am I supposed to understand under being at one with these animals? My mind boggles!

  39. Well I am already a follower! Big congratulations to you on #100! So beautiful are your tags and mini books and I sure hope I am one of the lucky winners!! Have a wonderful weekend!

  40. Your tags are really beautiful. I am also going to put you on my sidebar so I can follow you there.

  41. Your tags are awesome! I love the duckies too.:) Very nice. Have a great weekend.

  42. First.... congrats on 100 followers! The tags are amazing especially the butterflies. Then the PPF paintings are marvelous. You have been very busy! take care, gerri

  43. Your tags are great! And your paintings are very unique! I love dream paintings!

  44. Tags and drawings are amazing!!! Thanks for the inspiration! Have a good weekend!!

  45. Wow!!!! I won a mini book! I can't believe it. When I was looking through your work I thought to myself "boy I would like to win this". Thanks so much. And especially for notifying me!. That is what I do on my blog; I notify the winners. I'm hoping more people will pick up on that and start notifying the winners.

    My address will be sent in an email.

  46. Congrats what a generous giveaway & beautiful work!

  47. Well done - I'm excited that I have 18!!! How hard to paint a dream, and what a good job you have done.


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