
Tuesday 3 May 2011

Well, another day has passed and gone, and another sunny but cold day is waiting for me. Yesterday I posted 2 parcels off to the USA, and had to brave the post-lady once more.

The post lady made her ususal speech. Bla, bla, bla and she can't understand why anyone would want to make or get anything like *that* as she thumped the stamps onto it. And she was extra annoyed because I asked her for some pretty stamps this time. She only had to put them on one package, because I had stamped the other one at home, but even that was evidently tooooooo much for her! I think I will try another post office next time, even if it does mean a longer journey - they can't all be that bad.
Anyway, I had a mail from Lenna of Lenna's creative swaps, who has received the mini books I sent to her, and she was delighted with her mail art package, and has put a photo of it on her daily photo journal, so that's something!
In one of the packages I sent was a mini book for a swap, pictures will follow in a few days. And in the other one was my *egg-swap* organised my Tee. I had to send to a lady in the south of the USA, and as I did not fancy making another egg, and Easter is over, I used half an egg to make an altered canvas. The lady I have to send my swap to has a blog called *The Cranky Queen*, so I took that as my prompt and made this:

I hope she will like it, I had great fun making it. The egg has been stuck into some structure paste, with which I coated the 4x4" canvas. I painted it in royal blue, before doing the queen's make-up, using acrylic paints and felt-tips. Her hair has been made with fairy hair, used by florists - and by me - and her crown is an old brooch. Then she got some rose earrings, a lace collar and a pearl necklace, and her majesty was finished. I think I was still under the influence of the royal wedding! I really enjoyed making this, so hope that the Crank Queen will like it too. I have told her that I am blogging it today, so she has the choice to look now or wait and see it later as a surprise when it arrives.

And the rest of the day I spent playing about. I read on several blogs about friendly plastic, and especially Zoe made a lot of pretty things with it. So I ordered a little bag of pellets, and tried it out. They are easy to soften in hot water, and to start off I decided to try squashing it into a mould, which I did. The first few I made looked awful, but the good thing is, that you can throw it back into the pot to warm it again and start anew. At the end I had five more or less successful hearts. Two have been coloured with Inka gold in silver and gunmetal grey, 2 in gold and grey, and one in bronze and grey. I used the heat gun to glue a large glass pearl onto each of them, which can be used to thread a wire or ribbon through them. They will make lovely embellies for paper work, and can perhaps be used as pendants or key rings - I will continue playing!

So, once again this post is longer than I intended, but never mind. Hope you all have a great day, take care, and thanks for dropping in to visit!


  1. Don't let grumpy drawers get the better of you Valerie (although sometimes it's just not worth the hassle!). Queenie is fab and the recipient will adore her. Hearts are super, I bought a strip of plastic months ago, just to have a play with, but it's never been out the packet. Not enough crafty hours in the day! xx

  2. Hi Val, love your cranky queen egg, and the hearts are gorgeous too. Never mind about that silly moo at the post! Hugs, Barb

  3. I was going to comment that post office crank needs a name ... however Frau Grumpy Drawers seems very appropriate to me. Thank you Suze! LOVE Eggie Queen. How original and fun. The broach works perfectly. Now you have gone and done it, Valerie. Your hearts are beautiful and I will be trolling for some friendly plastic and some molds. Oh dear ... perhaps I will be able to refrain for a couple of months though. I have to go and visit the Cranky Queen .. the name itself is toooo much to resist. Enjoy your day. hugs from Mexico, Donna

  4. Love that egg Val - I'm sure she'll love it too.
    Great work with the friendly plastic too. Those hearts are adorable.
    Hugs xx

  5. Your postage stamping is fabulous Valerie. Loving your Queen, such a fab character and love your friendly plastic makes. You have been soooooo busy. Annette x

  6. Lovely work Val, love your egg-head queen, she is a riot! Hugs, Sarah

  7. Those hearts are great! As for your Post lady...she cracks me up! I would be SO tempted to start showing up DAILY with beautifully packaged goods to send to who knows where! LOL! I might even decorate stuff to send to myself just to get her going! HAHAHA!!!

  8. First of all, I LOVE the envelopes! Your cranky queen is fabulous, I'm sure your partner will love it. Finally, the little hearts, they are soooooo cool. I've never worked with friendly plastic before. Love the outcome thou.


  9. You have one cranky mail lady. If I was in your position I would kill her with kindness. She wouldn't know what hit her! :-)

  10. What a good idea, perhaps I will make her a picture as a present - that should do the trick!

  11. Valerie I love your posts! Never too long! I could read on...
    And Fantastic art work! As Always! Hugs Tee

  12. Hi
    You are braver than me as your parcel (my little Giveaway) is not adorned. It looks so plain and boring but the woman at the Post Office wins, for the moment anyway lol.
    Thanks for sharing the gifts you received.

  13. I've never heard of that plastic. It must be so much fun to work with. Your hearts are darling. Try using reverse psychology on the post lady. That might work. Tee hee. Love your doll and her hair. Awesome. Have a great rest of the week.Thanks for sharing.

  14. All the great artists were tortured souls, just be glad your only torture is the lady at the post office, lol. That queen egg is awesome, I know she will treasure it!

  15. Hi valerie, wow loving the egg what a fab and fun piece of art. I am sure the lady for the swap will love it too. Also i agree about that nasty postmistress .... she should get a life hehe. Love your wonderful arty envelopes.
    Oh those little hearts are so cute. beautifully made my friend
    hugs June xxxx

  16. Hi Valerie.... It is so true how a grumpy lady or man at the post office can really take the wind out of you. She doesn't understand our artsy souls. I love all the stamps on your packages! I agree with art2cee2, try killing her with kindness, it might work. It would be a shame to have to drive further to another post office. I will admit there is one in our area that I will not visit. I think when you take your art to be mailed it is like sending a piece of you on a journey that will reach a like minded artsy friend. You know how special it is to open and touch the paper and really look for those hidden thoughts that are in all of our work. A poem should be written about the importance of our packages and all the emotion that goes into them... are you good at writing, then you could have a book published and that Grumpy Drawers would have boxes of books to be delivered for you to sign... just always dreaming I am. blessings~barb

  17. Thanks Barb, you have summed that up so well. It's a pity some people seem to have so few emotions and begrudge other people nice thought and lovely things. But she will not be stopping me!

  18. Valerie, your stories of the postal aldy crack me up! Maybe I should interview her next for my blog! hahaha!

  19. ooops, typ..that was postal LADY. dang, I need to proofread more! xox

  20. Katie, I don't think you would have much fun with her! You can't wring water out of a stone!

  21. Hi Valerie, sorry I haven't been around much over the past couple of weeks, but I have just had a jolly good look at your lovely blog and like very much the crafting that you have been doing, especially the eggy queen, the wonderful spoons and bottle tops.

    Keep up the good work, I love visiting your blog!

    Hugs, Carole xxx

  22. Love your packages, your post lady is a right royal grump. The egg piece is brilliant, love the regal look and the hearts are gorgeous.
    Yvonne xx

  23. I think it makes your daily stories much more interesting having a grump at the post office and am sure she goes home and tells everyone about your fab parcels. Your queen is amazing love her make up am still doing my own face in a similar fashion. Your hearts are fantastic couldn't tell it was plastic if you didn't say and I'm a jeweller !


  24. WOW you've been busy again val, I wish I knew how you find the time, as so much and s lovely, well done, love the eggy queen, lol... great idea...

    maria xx

  25. So lovely to catch up with your blog after a while away...beautiful creations as always Valerie!
    I hope you are keeping well!
    Sue x

  26. A BIG Hint on mail clerks - Find one when they're not busy and develop a conversation about stamps - like what she can do to help you help her sell a bunch. There are lots of neat ones coming out this month and all the commem orative stamps are good FOREVER.

  27. hi Val, your work, as always, is fantastic. you are such a talented lady. As for that post office person my mum would say she is just jealous and not worth the bothering about. It is sad that she feels like that but its her issue and you are not responsible for her attitude. Try not to let her get to you. Remember you can only control your own actions not anyone elses.

    T x

  28. Sorry about my assumption yesterday - that you were from the U.S.! I sometimes forget that the audience spans the entire globe!


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