
Saturday 28 May 2011

A Mixed bag and a nice write up by Cindy Adkins.

Good morning Ladies and any Gentleman that might be out there too. I am happy to say that I slept again for nine hours, and will probably need a double portion of coffee to get me quite awake today.
A big thanks to Cindy Adkins who has featured me on her blog this morning, it is vey kind of you. Cindy has lots of awesome pictures of her blog, especially of her beautiful house, which has been rebuilt since Hurricane Katrina with an enormous amount of hard work, and is well wrth admiring, as is the lovely, feminine work she does....
I am going to visit my friend today, so we will be playing cards, chatting and nibbling all day; oh well, I suppose you can't paint and craft every day! (WHY NOT??)
I did get some things finsihed yeterday, though:
The first two pieces are a rather crazy mail art envelope, ready for the swap at Tees as soon as we know our swap partners. One shows the front, and the other the back. OMG, if I hadn't written that you would never have noticed it! (Goes off to get secong mug of coffee)

The next one is a set of 4 *tea cards* I made for the challenge at JFF where this month the challenge is to make cards llike those mini ones we used to get inside the tea packets.
And then I made a little key ring album of it, using some Brooke Bond Photos for the front and back covers:

And I got another mailart envelope done, this time using a lot of collage. It will be on its way to America next week, too.

And last but not least, I finished a little linen bag that I started a week ago. The image has been printed onto sticky backed canvas, and then given a row of stitches to make it hold better, and just a little trim with lace and ribbon. I know I should have I****d it before taking the picture, but as some of you may remember, my iron fell from the top shelf of the bottomless pit (AKA hall closet) some weeks back, and has since been discretely buried....
OK, that was it for today. I am still having probs keeping my eyes open, and my fingers are getting knots in them trying to find the right keys. Have a nice day, take care, and thanks a lot for visiting!


  1. I love your tea cards Val! We came across a box full of the albums when we were clearing Dad's house. Super mail art and the bag is awesome.
    Hugs xx
    p.s. you're the only person I can leave comments for at the moment -Blogger is still having problems.

  2. Wow, you have been busy again, lovely things, I remeber those tea cards, too! Hugs, Sarah

  3. What a lot of wonderful artwork to see on here this morning.
    Love your tea cards and what a fab idea to mount them on tags and use PG Tips for the covers. Inspirational!
    I am so glad you decided to join us for this challenge on JFF - Hugs, Neet x

  4. OK, let me just say, you had better get Grumpy Drawers at the post office a pill before she sees these envelopes! They are incredible. Love the tea cards and the little linen bag .. everything is so wonderful, Valerie. Nice you are going out to play with a friend today -- Have fun. Thanks for showing us all your great stuff. hugs from Mexico, Donna -- I'm off to see the write up.

  5. Have a wonderful day playing cards with your friend today I'm sure if you get a chance you'll have ink/paint/glue involved somewhere LOL

    Gorgeous mail art they are masterpieces in themselves Frau Postmistress will just have to suck!

    Tea cards made as a tag book magic Your Tea Cards are all adorable love the bird theme making the book is just inspired. Thank you my friend for joining us at Just for Fun this week with these little delights.

    Enjoy the week-end XOXO Zoe

  6. Gorgeous work yet again Valerie and I've no idea how you manage to do so much crafting.
    I particularly love your bag and mail art which are both stunners.
    Hope you have a nice day at your friend's and manage to keep your eyes open.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

    on being featured over at Cindy's Blog. That woman is amazing in the way she supports the community. You deserve this.
    Then the mail art - what will Dragon Lady say about this. In fact that is what went through my mind on seeing the envelope you decorated for me - surely she cracked a smile!!!
    The tea cards, now these are new to me but Marie (Dollys daydreams) told me all about them. What a brilliant idea.
    Finally the bag - love this.

  8. Fabulous work again Valerie, your mailart is wonderful.
    xxx Hazel.

  9. Lovely work again, I used to be an avid tea card colector, too! Hugs, Barba

  10. WOW you've been very busy.

    Lovely stuff.

    Thanks for playing along with JFF this week with your tea cards, love the way you've cut the PG tips tag out too.

    Sam xxx

  11. OMG, where to start! Your pieces over at Cindy's are exquisite.

    I think your envelopes, if they were going to the post office, would send Mrs. Happy over the edge :)

    and your tea cards are scrumptous, Valerie!

    Have a fun day today :)

  12. So many fun creations it's hard to choose my face! You keep so busy creating all of your wonderful art! Love it! Have a great Memorial Day Weekend!

  13. Oh wow you have been so busy, great tea cards the colours are so delicate , very nice thanks for sharing :-)

  14. Congratulations on being posted in Cindy's on line magazine well deserved ( that woman sure has an eye for talent ) Where to start ! Love the bag that images is priceless and the creases match perfectly in my opinion ! Superb mail art if I was in the post office would be very tempted to keep them.Fab tea cards and clever idea to mount them as tags on tea boxes what a clever lady you are. Enjoy the nibbling and card playing.


  15. Love the mail art, especially the elephants. The bag is fab - you won't see the creases when it's full of shopping anyway! Great tea cards, my favourite is the one with the teapot. Hope you've had a lovely day. xx

  16. nice tea cards. You must work very quickly, you are so productive.

  17. Hi Val, we're back again! Was nice being away, but even nicer to be back! You've made lots of nice things since I was away, lovely as always! Hugs, T

  18. Congrats on the feature Val, Cindy's magazine has so many wonderful artists! I do love your work, wish I could work a little faster with your beautiful results.

  19. Love the tea cards and the linen bag is awesome. Wow, you are really busy. Congrats on being featured. Hooray! Have a wonderful weekend.

  20. Congrats on being featured in Cindy's Magazine! You deserve it! And Cindy is a Great Artistic Sweet Lady to know! Luv ya both!
    And for sure your post lady will love you on those packages! Wish I could be there.. Hugs,Tee

  21. Hi Valerie. Gosh you have been busy. Fantastic mail art. I have never seen anything like this before. Thanks for sharing. The tags are delightful. Love the vintage look on your bag. Lovely inspiring projects.
    Regards Florence.

  22. Congratulations for being a featured artist on Cindy's blog! You have given my eyes a total feast of beauty. I just love visiting here! I am sure you had a great time with your friend and yes, sometimes we just need to do something else! Have a great Sunday!

  23. Wow... love the tea cards, very clever idea to create a key ring! :]
    And your "mail art envelope" is fantastic.
    So, super glad I stopped by for a visit!
    Take care.

  24. My word someone has been busy :)
    Your mail art is fasinating :) and I love the way you have presented your tea cards :)
    Thanks for joining us at just for Fun
    Von x

  25. I love what you done with the little linen bag is it the one I sent you wow it looks fab hope youliked the clock:) hugs alma x


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