
Monday 30 May 2011

Happy Birthday Lynne!!!

Good morning once again from sunny and warm Rhineland. Yesterday it was really cold, today it's back to summer, so Looks like it will be a paint-on-the-balcony afternoon!
But the most important news of the day first; It's Lynn's birthday. She has a wonderful blog, *Adorn*, where she shows her lovely, delicate creations, always with lace, ribbons and flowers. I love her things because they are genuinely pretty and feminine, and she's a nice young lady as well! So, all together please,
*Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Ly-ynn, happy birthday to you!* Hope you all sang loudly and clearly so that Lynne heard it up in bonny Scotland!
I didn't do much crafting or painting yesterday as I was busy tidying. I got one shelf in the bottomless pit sorted out - more or less, discovered a lot of old friends again that haven't been around for ages, and just didn't have too much time or energy after that,
But I did just manage another mail-art envelope and a few tags, so the day was not completely wasted!
Here they are:

The first tag has been made from cardboard, partly peeled, and then rubbed with clear embossing ink, and embossed with EP in mixed metallic tones, and then dusted with perfect pearls in pink and gold and heated again. I added a few glass splitters in pink, then some stamping and rub-ons to make the background. ! have used some vintage scrap images and 2 prima leaves and a flower. I have given the little girl a *necklace* made of glass beads fixed with glossy accents.

The second tag has been made from the packaging of the prima leaves, their packaging is always much too nice to throw away! This time if have used images in blue and turqoise, and a different prima leaf and flower. The little girl once again has a beaded necklace, I have decorated the tag witha bow and a beaded pin that I recently made.

And the envelope will be winging it's way to America in the course of the week. Today I have three of my envelopes to take to the post, so it should be fun meeting old Mrs Grumps again! But while I am at the post office,I can cross the road and go to the stationer's, and stock up on those pretty vintage images while I am there. And opposite the stationer's is a delightful café where they sell home baked cake, so I think I will have a little outing today....
I wish you all a day filled with sunshine, contentment and music. Take care, and thanks for visiting!


  1. These are all stunning Valerie. Love the textures on your pretty tags and the varying layers on your mail art.
    Hope you have a lovely outing and enjoy your cake.
    Please send some sunshine this way too as it's grey yet again!
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  2. Beautiful creations Valerie, have a lovely day, hope the sun stays shining for you. Off to have a peek at Lynn's blog. xx

  3. Absolutely in love with the 3Dness of your tags. They really have the WOW factor. Your envelope, as always, boggles the mind. You do such great mail art, Valerie! Have a wonderful day painting on your balcony. Say hi to Grumpy Drawers for me ... hugs from Mexico, Donna

  4. More lovely work Val! Hope you have survived the Dragon at the post office! We are at My Mum's today, she sends you her best! Hugs, Sarah

  5. Just love the envelopes. And those tags are so pretty. They are next on my list of things to do for my new little book. x Julie from Australia

  6. More gorgeous tags, Valerie! Love the colours, layout and depth of them.

    Your envelopes are to die for, just beautiful!!

  7. Your tags are breathtaking...all those lovely layers and images. Once you add sparkle, you know I'm in. They are incredible. Sounds like you had a fun day too. take care, gerri

  8. Dear Valerie
    You are responsible for me having tears in my eyes.
    I cannot believe how lucky I am. People such as you have shown me the most incredible kindness and I honestly don't know what I have done to deserve all this but thank you.
    The tags are gorgeous and as for that envelope - WOW.
    I have laid the envelope aside that you sent to me so that I can photograph it.
    You are an amazing women not only your artistic talent but your warmth of heart and I count myself lucky to know you.
    Wishes & Thanks

  9. fab tags lots to catch up hugs alma xx

  10. Gorgeous tags Valerie. :)
    Enjoy your trip out (coffee and cake - lovely.)
    It's raining here - well it's a Bank Holiday isn't it!
    Hugs xx

  11. Am running out of superlatives to describe your work " stunning " and " gorgeous " just don't cut the mustard be they are all of this and more. You are so lucky to be able to get those gorgeous vintage images so close to home I am so jealous.


  12. CAKE? Did you say CAKE?! Enjoy! You have been a busy girl - and you can stop that tidying lark, it's so tedious and such a waste of time ;o)

    Happy Birthday to Lynne!


  13. Absolutely stunning! Just love your creations! I sure hope that Mrs. Grumpy will be just a little kinder today! Have a wonderful and warm day!

  14. These are beautiful Val, I love the pink glass pieces and the jewlery on both of them is gorgeous! Love the skeleton leaves as wings too. So well thought out dear!

  15. Ooooh, these are all so beautiful! I love the wonderful, leafy layers on your tags, with all the fabulous little details. And your mail art is such a treat. Sounds like you are going to have a marvelous day... have a little cake for me, okay? :)

  16. Great work, love the colours, and sparkle. Hugs, Barb

  17. Oh Valerie,
    They are ALL so beautiful!! and a special birthday greeting our wonderful friend, Lynne!

  18. More pretty papers and ooooohhhh...and I'm hoping that pretty envelope might be...well, I'll just wait and see! LOL Love your fun and fancifal art!

  19. shelves can seem like bottomless pits can't they? lol, nice work as well.

  20. Sounds like you are going to have a great day Valerie, brilliant.
    Gorgeous tags. Annette x

  21. Beautiful creative work, as usual Val.

  22. Hi Valerie, couldn't post for a couple of days because of Mr. Blogger and his problems.

    Love your tags; I think you are QUEEN OF TAGS. You make so many and each one has its own personality.

    Where in Germany do you live? Way back in the 50s, I spent six months in Nuremberg where our little neighborhood bakery made the absolute best black bread.

    Have never been able to find a duplicate for it.


  23. Amazing details the cardboard background is incredible


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