
Saturday 14 May 2011

A Day without Blogger....

Good morning you all! It seems to be a fine and bright day here, with lots of sunshine, birdsong, and no pneumatic drills. The road repairs seem to be finished. I had a good night's sleep, for which I am very thankful, I must have slept as soon as I put the light out, and I feel better for it. I do love painting, but I need to sleep sometimes!
It was a strange day yesterday without Blogger. It shows how many things we just take for granted as being there, and how hard it is when they disappear. I just lost the comments from Thurday's post, so the losses were not too bad!
I felt rather at a loss what to do without visiting blogs....I just needed something else to do, so I actually cleared away several of the *heaps* that have been accumulating over the past weeks. I found a lot of things that I have been missing, and can once again see the surface of my working table.
And I worked on 2 mini books, which I need for swaps. Here are some sneak-peeks of the one that is finished, can't show more, as I want it to be a surprise:

The rest will be revealed when it has reached its destination in England!
And I nearly forgot my *Creavil* challenge card. They want to see butterflies. Here they are:
The butterflies have been stamped with perfect pearls medium and embossed with perfect pearls in gold. The stamps are from Crafty Individuals, the black paper is *black magic* from LaBlanche. The 3-d butterflies have been printed onto acrylic, cut out and mounted onto the easel card.

So, here's wishing you a lovely weekend, take care, thanks for visiting, and especially for all those who left kind comments to cheer me up; it really did me good to see that so many people care!


  1. This looks gorgeous Valerie. Glad to hear you had a good sleep and I agree yesterday was odd - it made me feel a bit cut off if you know what I mean!
    I've just got one of my 2 missing posts back and I see your Under The Sea has come back too so there's hope yet.
    Hope you have a lovely weekend.
    Fliss xx

  2. Looks fabulous Valerie, grandiose gold! xx

  3. This little book looks gorgeous, Val, I am sure your swap partner will love it! Hugs, Barb

  4. Hi
    Oh the richness of this cover. Absolutely gorgeousness!
    Have a great Saturday.
    Off for a visit around my favourite blogs :)

  5. Wonderful mini books Valerie.
    I too was lost without blogger..sigh.
    Hugs xx

  6. Oh so lovely and I am sure who ever is going to receive them will adore your creations

    Love Dawn xx

  7. Mornin Valerie! Glad you had a good night. I know what you mean about blogger, are we addicted?

    Your little book is G O R G E O U S. The outside texture is so amazing and the inside pages look beautiful. Lucky person in England :) Have a great weekend.

  8. This is lovely Valerie, who ever receives it will love it.
    xxx Hazel.

  9. Hi Val, lovely work as always. Off out with the kids now, have a nice weekend, Sarah

  10. Someone is going to be thrilled when they receive this gorgeous book. Yvonne x

  11. Your books and cards are magical! LOVE THEM!

  12. Your mini book is amazing!! Love the textures on it! Love the butterfly card!!

  13. Fabulous creations! Loved seeing your smush, splodge post today. I know what you meant about it just being good for you. Hope you have a great day.

  14. Looks fabulous. Thanks for sharing at the creavil-Challenge.

  15. Lovely book and card Val, you know I love butterflies! So pretty! Hugs, T

  16. love the mini book - anytime you want to swap a mini-book with me, I'm game!

  17. This is gorgeous and I love the different texture and elements!

  18. Oh wow, Valerie, how gorgeous! Simply breathtaking, my friend!!!

  19. Dear Valerie,
    The gold journal is amazing , cant wait to see more! Love the butterfly card to. Thanks for yr kind words today on my Pink Saturday trees.
    take care, gerri
    ps. glad u had a goodnight sleep!

  20. Wow, what gorgeous projects! I can't wait to see the rest of that mini book - it looks *amazing*!! And I love the way you have the butterfly on the card looking like he's about to fly right away. So cool! (And yes, I am happy and *relieved* that blogger is back, LOL!)

  21. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. I wish I lived near you pneumatic drill or not, then I would come over ever day for inspiration and lessons.



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