
Tuesday 19 April 2011

A Walk in the Woods and another card for Less is More

Good morning you all. Here the sun is shining and the birds are singing, but I am not sitting outside on my balcony. I have the door shut tight. Yesterday the farmer who owns the fields behind the houses *fertilized* the ground, and there's a smell like a giant manure heap out there. So I'm staying in....
Yesterday I went walkies with Emily, my friend's little dog, and we had a nice stroll through the woods. The trees look so wonderful, I love the mix of light and shadow, and the wild flowers growing there. Emily enjoyed snuffling about, following little trails with her nose on the ground and her tail in the air, so we both had a good time.
I loved this huge, craggy tree stump, reminded me of a fairy castle....

Forget-me-nots growing wild under the trees

I don't know what these pretty flowers are called, perhaps one of you does?

Magnificent tree trunks....

Trees curved and twisted.....

And this one reminded me of one of my lovely *Lavinia stamps*. so when I got home I made it into my second entry for *Less is More*

Here I have stamped the fairy tree onto acetate using black Stazon, placed it over a print out of the tree, and mounted it onto an easel card with a hand-written sentiment.

Thanks for looking, have a great day and take care!


  1. Looks like you live in paradise how lucky you are. Your card is stunning love the fact that you mounted it over the tree photo. Do you really have fairies in your woods ?


  2. Well, Valerie, there certainly is beauty all around you. I live right by the sea and really don't appreciate it as much as I should. Love your fairy tree card! Suze x

  3. Thanks Ladies! Marie, I am SURE there are fairies there, I don't see them but you can feel them!

  4. What a fabulous card and such wonderful trees!
    Thanks so much for joining us
    Have a good week
    Less is More

  5. The layers you created on your card give it great depth. Photos of your walk do look magical .. and of course there are fairies in your wood. They are everywhere! hugs from Mexico, Donna

  6. Oh Oh OOOH firstly great pictures of the woodland love how you focus on the texture and shapes nature provides. then the card which is fabulous and reflects the woodland perfectly (well maybe the door in the tree is a bit of artistic licence but). The first picture of the stump would also make a fabulous image for a card. XOXO Zoe

  7. I love your view of the world, you see things others oversee! Good to still feel the magic ! Hugs, Sarah

  8. Hi
    This is such an inspirational surrounding.
    The card - that is so clever and unique.

  9. More gorgeous pictures, Valerie!

    and your card is sooooo unique, I LOVE it!

  10. All very lovely and your card is fantastic. What a great idea to have a printed picture behind it - brilliant positioning.

    Have a fairy wonderful week.

    Malyn at ThinkInkCreative

  11. Beautiful, love how you overlay-ed it!

  12. Wow, I love your photos, the card with the overlay stamping is stunning.

  13. A truly 'magical' card, love the trees too :O) Viv xx

  14. Beautiful photos Valerie!I live in place as green as yours!Right now I smell the orange trees blooms!:)
    Love your card too!

  15. Very nice card! And these are beautiful photos!

  16. Lovely photos, and the card is soooooooo pretty! Hugs, Barb

  17. Valerie Thanks for the walk in the woods! Little Emily will be your friend for life now! Great Tree Trunk Card Different & Neat! Hugs Tee

  18. Beautiful photo`s Val and your card is absolutely gorgeous...Chris xx

  19. So you went for a walk in the woods with a dog too? Good to hear you are enjoying the spring sunshine too - shame the farmer had to choose this time to spread his stinky fertilizer!

    Great photos, and I like how you superimposed the stamped acetate over the tree trunk image. Great idea.


  20. Hello again ,we've been treated to a good old muck spray somewhere near us today too, it's disgusting but necessary but euk!
    Lovely photos and your beautiful card, just delightful, well done:0) xxx

  21. a lovely walk to begin with, and it inspired such creativity! Wonderful. Thanks for stopping by. The forget me nots are in bloom here too.

  22. What a very clever idea... and the finished result is fabulous!
    Thanks for this super card!

  23. Hi Val, what great pics, beautiful place and your card is gorgeous. i love the magic you created
    hugs June x

  24. What beautiful pictures. That one tree looks like legs to me. Is someone there? :0) And your card is superb!

  25. Love your card, it's so different. Your woodland walk was very helpful. The purple flowers look like a plant called honesty and it has wonderful seedheads later in the year.
    Jenny x

  26. Lovely to see your photos, Valerie, it looks a beautiful place to have a walk. And yes, that tree stump DOES look like a fairy castle! I love your LIM card, the way you've stamped the tree image on the acetate and placed it over the photo gives the impression of an other-world double life of that tree, I do like that idea.

    Beautiful book from yesterday's post too, the images and pretty pink colours are gorgeous to look at. CoB

  27. OOOh I just love the japanese bookmark! :-)

  28. Super idea and very effective. x

  29. Lovely photos...and the card is awesome!

  30. What brilliant photos!! I really like your card - the fairy tree - brilliant idea!

  31. FAB card and some smashing photos too



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