
Saturday 23 April 2011

A Sneak-Peek and Mail-Art for the Three Muses Challenge

Good morning to you all! Hope you have all slept well, as I did. It's a bit cooler here just now, but it's still early, and the air outside is heavy with the scent of lilac and jasmine, just beautiful!
Yesterday I worked nearly all day on a mini-book, but I can only give you a sneak-peek today as I want it to be a surprise for the buddy I am swapping with. I know she likes pink, so used a lot of victorian velvet and antique linen here, to give soft and natural colours.

It was great fun to make, anyhow, and the rest will be revealed when it has been sent and received!

And I made a mail-art envelope / label for the *Three Muses* Challenge. The task here was to create an envelope or mail art piece, and as I have some books to send off next week, I have made this to send them.

It is a large (A4) mixed media piece, using collage, stamping and rub ons in layers one over the other. I am wondering what the dear lady at the post office will have to say this time!

So, that was it for today! Have a good day, take care and thanks for stopping by!


  1. I love your mail-art envelope, such a lot too look at and I can't wait to see the mini book. Have a lovely Easter.
    xxx Hazel.

  2. All wonderful Val. Love the cameo such a lovely touch.

    love Dawn xx

  3. Morning Valerie, much cooler here today too. Your Victoriana mini book is gorgeous - looks so tactile. The envelope is wonderful - but the post lady 'will not be amused!'. xx

  4. Gorgeous work, Val - love them both, but the album is STUNNING! Happy Easter, hugs, Sarah

  5. You did a great job with the envelope!I'm so inlove with the album!!!It's so beautiful!!!
    Happy Easter Valerie!

  6. Beautiful and love the embossing with the cameo and leaves :)
    OOHH! I do love my dollar store :)

  7. They are called €uro shops here, but I love them too!

  8. GORGEOUS mini album, Valerie! Lucky buddy!

    Love your envelope too. Can't wait to hear what your happy postlady has to say :)

  9. Yes, we're all wrapped up with what happens with you and the post lady now. Like a soap opera, so keep us informed. Your mini book looks very beautiful - can't wait to see it all. Great envelope - Leena will love it - she's really into mail art. Chirp, Chirp or is that (Cheep Cheep) ... Happy Easter. Hugs from Mexico.

  10. The sneaky peek at your book is gorgeous. Love your mail art envelope, I wonder how many folk will admire it on the way to its destination.

  11. What a beautiful envelope. I'm sure the recipient won't even want to open it! Response at the post office is interesting, isn't it? Some of them are fascinated, and some look downright aggravated! Nonetheless, you've created a feast for the eyes. Thank you for sharing with us at Three Muses!

  12. Wonderful book looks packed with treasures.

    The dear lady at the post office must lead a very cheerless life your mail art piece is gorgeous to receive something like that in the post must make a persons day XOXO Zoe

  13. What a beautiful envelope and I wish I could be a fly on the wall of the person who will receive it. Absolutely gorgeous.

  14. Love that mini-book and the envelope is wonderful too! Hugs, Barb

  15. Hi
    You are a tease - I cannot wait until we see teh book in all it's glory. It looks amazing and the cover is so beautiful.
    Great mail art.
    Lynne M

  16. WOW! It looks amazing. So many wonderful tidbits and treasures tucked inside. Hope you'll be able to share the whole thing soon! Would love to receive something like that for a gift...Beautiful!

  17. Layers and layers of magnificent elements, all so cohesive and appealing. This is my favorite type of collage; 3D with a plan! Very, very nice work!

  18. OH, I am in love with that mini-book! It's absolutely gorgeous! Lucky person receiving that. The envelope is wonderful! Beautiful images you put together on that as well!

  19. Your mini is marvelous and looks jam packed with beautiful treasures. As for your mail art a glorious piece of work.


  20. Gosh, the book looks beautiful, I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of it, this sneaky peak is very tantalising. Lol, you'll make that woman at the post office very annoyed, do let us know how she reacts to your envelope.coB

  21. All beautiful pieces Valerie. Annette x

  22. it's look lovely as usual val, well done, bet your swap partner will love it too, take care...

    maria xx

  23. The sneak peek looks good Valerie but that mail art is astounding.
    Hugs xx
    p.s. thanks so much for the Easter ecard. I loved it. :)

  24. I think I am inspired! Off to make some mail art. Happy Easter and thank you for commenting on my quilt. Julie

  25. What a fabulous entry! Your your mail art envelope is just gorgeous!

    Have a lovely Easter!

  26. This is stunning, I adore your cameo, what a gorgeous touch!


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