
Thursday 28 April 2011

Play Day!

Good morning from Kaiserswerth. It's cool and damp today, 11°, after having temps of 24° at the weekend it feels really chilly. But perhaps it's just as well that it's not too hot - the famer put manure on his field again yesterday, three cart loads of it, so I think the *perfume* in the air would be worse if it hadn't rained in the night!
My car passed its TÜV check-up with no problems. Not that I was expecting any, it's a reliable little Panda. The only shock was the price. I had an oil change done, and the official test - 154,76€! I can't remember it costing that much last time, the prices must have gone up a lot! Anyway, I had to have it done, if you don't do it, your car loses it's certificate of road-worthiness and you mustn't drive it. They used to have something like it in the bad old days, too, but they called them *pirates* or *highway robbers* or *bandits* then. Times change.
But I did enjoy the rest of the day. Got my bottle-caps, key rings, old chains and spoons out and just had fun. I put some white pearls on the bottle cap I made yesterday, didn't even get a pic of it, a neighbour came for a visit and fell in love with it. So glad I didn't show her the others!
I made 2 more using the photo of my Great Aunt, another one with my Great Grandma, and one with no photo. And I did another spoon with a distant relation. Here are some pics:

This time I painted the bottle caps with acrylic paints before decorating them.

The pearls on the first two were on an old bracelet that fell apart some time ago, the little beads and metallic roses are from my stash.

The chain on the third one is the old chain from my bath tub plug, I knew it would come in handy some day!

The fourth one has been decorated with a small piece of ball chain, 2 roses and a key.

And now for spoon number 2!

For this spoon I used a similar colour scheme to the one yesterday. Here I used some cut glass beads from an old necklace, and other bits and bobs from my stash.
And here's the family photo of the day's haul together. I had fun making them, but I think I would like to get back to doing some painting and paper crafting now!
I am entering the bottle caps into the challenge at *Spotlight* again.

Thanks for looking, have a great day and take care!


  1. loving the bottle top creations.Thanks again for joining us on CCM Spotlight challenge

  2. Your last pic looks like the family jewels! Every one's a beauty. Have a lovely day. x

  3. Yes, I agree, looks like the family jewels. I love what pretty things you can make out of mundane things that others throw out, great! Hugs, Sarah

  4. Love the hook or pin on the first bottle cap. Is it old? Great job on the caps ... wouldn't they be great hanging on a 'family tree'. The bath plug chain is perfect. Isn't it great when things like that can be used. You made some fun stuff, Valerie. Enjoy.

  5. Donna, the pin is from Tim Holtz! Just looks old!

  6. I'm not surprised your neighbour fell in love with what she saw - and just as well she didn't see the rest or she would have taken the lot!

    Love what you've done with the bottle caps, how lovely to use family photos.


  7. These are amazing Valerie, I love what you have done with your bottle tops, and using an old bath chain is perfect. Hope the weekend warms up for you x

  8. These are gorgeous, I love that spoon!

  9. These bottle caps are just wonderful! What a fantastic idea! :-)

  10. Oh, those bottle caps are gorgeous and the spoon so elegant! Beautiful pieces, Valerie!

  11. You have so many great ideas!!!

  12. I'm in love with all of it! They just feel like old trinkets that have been around for years!

  13. they are fab val, can understand you neighbour loving them...

    maria xx

  14. Hi there, lovely jewelery, they look so vintage, like heirlooms really, brilliant:0) xxx

  15. Such creative and lovely makes, Valerie, I'm loving these bottle tops especially. Please tell me you didnt just take the chain from the bath plug? Lol. Glad you enjoyed making them all. CoB

  16. Carole, my plug is tame, it doesn't run away, I don't need to chain it up. It knows its place!

  17. Love all your little makes Val, sorry I haven't been around lately, will try and catch up. Thank you so much for the cute easter e card. We came back on Tuesday evening so I'm only just getting back to normal. xx

  18. Fabulous work! No mishaps with the hammer today?
    Seriously they are all beautiful. :)
    Hugs xx

  19. Susie, I just counted - all my fingers and thumbs still seem to be where they should....

  20. Fun stuff! Love the reuse of the bath tub chain!
    Thanks for sharing.

  21. Great alterations, love the bottle caps, If I ever need a chain, I'll be heading for the bathroom plugs. Yvonne xx

  22. So many lovely creations! These family heirlooms are just gorgeous and the details are stunning! Love these!

  23. These are fab! What a neat idea for using old photos. xo

  24. Love these bottle caps...but its the spoon that I adore. very sweet. I follow you now too. take care, gerri

  25. These are fabulous!! Thanks for the inspiration!

  26. absolutely gorgeous and very creative, thank you for joining us at crafty cardmakers

  27. These are all gorgeous hon. Thanks for joining us again at The Spotlight Challenge. Don't forget to pop on over to Crafty Cardmakers for our main challenge.

    Lin xx


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