
Friday 11 March 2011

An altered box

While I was out shopping this week I saw some large, flat boxes containing little ornaments for Easter.

I don't ususally do much in the way of Easter, but these ones were rather special. Why? Because they were packed in a wooden box with 9 compartments, and in my mind's eye I visualised what I could make out of them. So, I bought 2 packets, and have lots of nice Easter ornaments that I can give to others as presents....and 2 nice boxes for altering. I forgot to buy most of the things that I should have bought at the supermarket, but never mind!! I got started on the first one straightaway. I painted it with white gesso, inside and out, and after it was dry, added some pieces of one of my old Ladies' Mags from 1899 - a lot of them are so damaged that I can only use parts of them - using mod-podge to stick them down, and then gave it a coat of diluted gesso to finish it off. I added a few strips of TH Tissue tape, and the box was ready to be filled.
Before I started filling it, I glued a string handle to the back using a hot glue gun so that it can be hung on the wall.
Then I added a few things I found in one of my many over filled drawers - a little glass bottle, an old dragon fly brooch from my Mum, a commemorative medal from the centenary of the Gas, Light and Coke Comapny from 1912, a medallion with some unknown relations pictured in it, 2 molded heads, some family photos put into fragments and a few mini photos & other bits that were just flying around.
I haven't filled all of the compartments so that the background can still be seen.

It was great fun to make, and next week I will start thinking about what to do with the other one.... Thanks for looking and have a great day!


  1. OMG, I love this altered box, Valerie!

  2. Your altered box is great Valerie, have fun and a happy weekend. Annette x

  3. What a fabulous idea Valerie. Love the vintage pages in the compartments and all the little adornments look beautiful.
    Have a lovely weekend, Fliss xx

  4. Love this, what a good idea to use the packaging again! Have a nice weekend. Hugs, Sarah & Kids

  5. Wow, this is awesome! I love what you did with that simple little box, now it's a work of art!

  6. A beautiful momento to keep Val, love it. Sorry I haven't been around this week but I'll have a look at your previous posts very soon.xx

  7. Valerie - how wonderful is this! I do have some of those old magazines, you have inspired me to use and enjoy them..

  8. Great piece, great idea! Hugs, Barb - have a nice weekend!

  9. what a great idea! i wonder what you will do with the second one!

  10. Olga, I'm still thinking, but I think this time I will start with black paint!

  11. Oh, how amazing this looks when you'd added the magazine pages - so lovely! but I had to laugh at the image of you having your head turned by these boxes while out shopping and coming home without your essentials from the supermarket.....what are you like! lol. CoB

  12. Stunning Valerie - great idea and all the elements work so well together. You filled it with such beautiful things too.

  13. Now, now! This is right up my alley and you have done an amazing job with altering!

  14. Oh MY! Incredibly original. Your old ephemera which is on the back is absolutely gorgeous and really sets the stage. You have inspired me!

  15. Thanks for the nice commments, Ladies - this was such fun. Play not work! And who needs groceries?

  16. Valerie I just love the background you did on the box.... are you like me, sometimes in the grocery store I buy something in a kewl bottle just to have the bottle to put my flowers in.I love your style with the old magazine paper and the gesso. thanks for sharing. blessings~barb

  17. fab altered box in fact even like the bits that were in the box before so cute


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