
Thursday 31 March 2011

IKEA and Steampunk

Good morning you all from damp and rather dismal Düsseldorf. The sun has hidden today, and the weather frogs have predicted rain, but then the weekend should be warm and sunny again, so let's hope they are right!
Today I am up early - even before the postman - as a friend of mine is coming to breakfast, and then we want to go to IKEA and have a look round. I would like NEED some frames and perhaps a mirror or 2 to alter, and it's always fun going round there and seeing lots of new ideas. But the best part for me is AFTER the check out. You get to that place where you can pack up your goodies. Giant rolls of brown paper. String. And you know how necessary it is to make sure things are packed well before transporting them don't you?? I think my weekend will be busy with lots of mod podge and gesso and things to alter, which will give me the possibilty to really mess up my place before tidying up again. That somehow makes it more worthwhile.
Here is a LO I made yesterday, which I am entering into the *Steampunkerie* Challenge over at Three Muses blog.

The middle part has been made with a virtual collage, which I then stamped with different steampunky images in archival black. The small images round about have been taken from a German Ladies magazine from 1899. I have tried to show the fashions and some of the latest technical things of the time. I have mounted them as they are to try to give the feel of movement, then this was an age when inventions and discoveries were moving really fast, taking people into a technical future. The paper used is from my stash, don't know the manufacturer anymore, and the stamps used are from Tim Holtz, Paper Artsy and Stamper Magazine. The digital images were from Lindsay's Stamp Stuff and Dezinaworld.
So, time to get breakfast ready!
Have a great day, take care, and thanks for looking!


  1. Love the steampunk LO Valerie.
    Enjoy your breakfast and the trip to IKEA.
    Our weather and forecast are the same - it's a miserable day.
    Hugs xx

  2. Love this steampunkerie LO !!!!

  3. Such fun. Love the stamps .. all of them, and the ephemera from 1899 is pure magic. Such a great entry. Hope you had a delightful breakfast in wonderful company. Hugs from Mexico.

  4. Love your LO, great images. Have a lovely day out and take all the brown paper with you! Hugs, Sarah

  5. What a clever blend of vintage and steampunk! Lots of little details. Well done, and thanks for joining us this week.

  6. What a fun page! Have fun at IKEA too.

  7. Lovely work again. Enjoy your day at IKEA & don't spend too much! Hugs, Barb

  8. wonderful work hope you enjoyed Ikea and yes know what you mean about the wrapping area great isnt it !!!!! Luv Sue x

  9. Sue, you are sooo right. Now I have a good supply of craft paper as well as lots of things to start painting and altering!

  10. Lovely stuff again, hope you enjoyed your day out! Hugs, T

  11. Fabulous steampunkerie piece, Valerie!

  12. Fantastic central collage with a wonderful background as well!

  13. Hi Valerie, it sounds like you'll have a fun weekend playing with all your things from Ikea, especially the brown paper and made me smile that this is the best part of the store for you. Love the LO, Steampunk is something I'd be totally lost with but I can appreciate it all the more when someone else does it. Your gifts from England are fab, lots of nice things there, and your Less Is More cards are so good, I think the pink one with the little girl is just so pretty. Enjoy your weekend, it'll be great to see what you make. CoB

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Me again, I couldnt believe how much quicker it was to leave a comment without the Word Verification.......thanks for removing it! CoB

  16. A delicious piece of steampunkerie. Thank you so much for joining in at the Three Muses this week. Enjoy your weekend with all your new goodies by the way.

  17. sounds like a great day. The collage is great. The old magazine images are wonderful.

  18. Terrific collage Valerie and have great fun with your purchases. Annette x

  19. I love the idea of a trip to ikea for brown paper and string (we don't have this at our ikea) shame. love the stamp punk glasses very cool

    love dawn xx

  20. Super collage!

  21. Way to rock steampunk! Great piece!

  22. Such a fabulous Syeampunk piece! Just love it.gerri


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