
Wednesday 16 February 2011

A Mini Book and more.....

Yesterday I made a mini book from two of the remaining coasters. I glued some striped black and gold embossed paper to the reverse of the coasters, and cut the pages from watercolour paper, which is thick and always has such a nice feel to it. The page edges have been inked in gold, and each page has some flourishes stamped on one side in archival black, with some added quotes and hand doodling. I put it all together with the bind-it-all, and like the results. There is still room on the pages for some notes or little pictures, so the recipient can use it. I am going to send it to a good friend in England, because I think she will appreciate it.

And there were still 2 half-finished coasters on my workspace. On one I added a heart and some flowers, in keeping with the Valentine theme...
And then I decided to go crazy on the last one, which of course, is MY all time favourite!
Thanks for looking, big thanks to all who take the time to leave a comment, and have a great day, whatever you are up to!


  1. Absolutely fantastic Val! I love the book and that last coaster is awesome. Hugs xx

  2. Afternoon Valerie, you have done it again and produced such gorgeous work that I am speechless! Well, not quite, lol, can I just say that the book is wonderful, I love what you've done. CoB

  3. Thanks Ladies, glad you like them, I had such fun making them!

  4. Gorgeous, Gorgeous, Gorgeous!!!

  5. Love all the coaster works you have been creating :) Thanks for the vintage paper jpeg files too.
    xoxo Sioux

  6. fab book and coaster val, well done...

    maria xx

  7. Thanks for the nice comments Ladies!

  8. I so admire these works of art, Valerie!

  9. Really lovely work, they all look just wonderful. Hugs, Sarah

  10. Gorgeous stuff again, WTG! Hugs, T

  11. WINNER, WINNER!! Hi Valerie, you are one of my two winners for OWOH, I was so pleased to see it was you. If you would send me your snail mail address, I'll pop your goodies in the mail.

    My email is:

  12. Woohoo, what good piece of news! Thanks Yvonne, I have mailed you!

  13. Val

    How do I love your book - let me count the way!!

    You've inspired me to finally get crafty this weekend. I have a pile of coasters sitting on a shelf looking lost and forelorn - time to introduce them to a bit vibrancy methinks.

    Gorgeous work as always.


  14. Really like all these but I like you love the last one the spring is just fantastic! I am sure your English friend will love her book

    Love Dawn xx


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