
Wednesday 23 February 2011

Another Canvas and another Blog Award

Here is a canvas I made using a picture of my Great- Great Grandmother Rachel, taken about 1890. The photo is old and stained, but I scanned it as it is, although I do have a *retouched* copy, I just like the original one better. The canvas (15" square) has been made using acrylic paints and structure paints in copper, gold and pearl white, images stamped with TH *rusty hinge*, and sentiments stamped with Adirondack *Espresso*. Was great fun to make - what isn't?? and I plan on doing some more with some old family pics.
And yesterday I saw that I have another Blog Award. Well actually the same *Stylish Blog Award*. this time from Jack at Jacks Arty Crafty Creations

Thanks a lot, and now for the seven-things-about-me I have to tell again.... This time I have written 7 things about my day yesterday, as I can't just repeat yesterday's list. As I am trying hard to see everything positively just now, they are of course, very positive things....
1. I did manage to have a good, crafty day yesterday.
2. I did manage to avoid seeing the crumbs on the floor and dust on the furniture by the simple expedient of removing my specs.
3. I even did my morning exercises on the balcony by MINUS 8° in my nightdress - or was I just taking photos?
4. I managed to make lasagne for lunch - yoohoo for deep frozen food!
5. I found time while not doing the housework to take a couple of reading breaks on my recliner.
6. I successfully forgot the ironing.
7. I have declared the dust on the windows to be patina, which makes it a sort of art, and then it doesn't have to be removed - pardon, it MUST be left where it is!

Hope some of you like minded people might find a few tips here.
Have a good day, take care, and thanks for looking!


  1. This is gorgeous Valerie and a fabulous thing to do with an old photo. Love your textured background which is great with the photo.

  2. This is really lovely, Val, love the background and the photo! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Love the canvas and photo Val.
    But even more I love your list - we think the same way! Very positive.
    Hugs xx

  4. Love the canvas and what you did for your list is hilarious!!! Hope you win again so we can read some more positive avoidance tactics. Lol XX

  5. Your canvas is stunning and the picture is amazing! Beautiful blog header, too :)

  6. Fabulous canvas, Valerie! I am changing the way I think, I never realized dust was art, YAHOO!

  7. Great canvas Val, love the way you have created the background! Hugs, T

  8. Love this canvass so very much and the fact that the photo is an actual relative just makes this even more special

    Love Dawn xx

  9. A special canvas Valerie and adore your background. Also congrats on such a great list.....of don't do's. Annette x

  10. Val oh my this canvas is so special I adore it and the colours used Love your list

  11. Love this one, what beautiful colours! Hugs, Barb

  12. Love the canvas!! Congrats on the award and I enjoyed reading your list :)

  13. Lovely canvas Valerie, and I love your list of facts, you had a VERY successful day! lol. Congrats on the award, well deserved you know. coB

  14. A wonderful and so special canvas, love the background.

  15. Fantastic canvas! Love your background!


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