
Monday 24 January 2011

Some quick cards....

It always does good to have a clear out. I found this bunch of cards last week together with my paints while I was searching for the hammer....I remember making them, and then they just disappeared. That's the bad thing about clearing up, afterwards you don't find anything!

Thanks for looking, and have a good day!


  1. Ohh they are delightful, its lovely when you find things you thought you had lost
    have a lovely week
    hugs June

  2. Beautiful cards! I bet you are glad you found them! ~Diane

  3. these are so beautiful! I am glad you found them! Happy Monday to you!

  4. Lovely work, as always, Hugs, Susan, perhaps you remember me from DC??

  5. Ahh, they're so beautiful, Valerie, love the family photo one and the flower one that slides into the folder. Nice that you found them, but did you manage to find the hammer too? LOL. CoB

  6. Thanks Carole! Yes, I found the hammer - in the draw where the small envelopes should have been!

  7. Beautiful cards Val.
    Sue xx

  8. Lovely cards Val....but the hammer in the envelope drawer? Most people wet the sticky bits not whack them one with a
    Annette x

  9. Beautiful cards I especially love the cherub one hugs alma x

  10. I always do a quick cleanup when I can't take it anymore.. and everything goes everywhere except where it should be! Beautiful Cards!!

  11. Thanks Ladies. Netty, the envelopes here are sometimes very difficult to handle....scrappers should just get more space instead of always having to clear up!!

  12. I have a picture in my head of the envelope being whacked with a hammer!!! Ha ha. Made me laugh anyway. Love the cards Val.

  13. lovely cards, and yes why is it when you tidy up you can never find anything afterwards, lol...

    maria xx

  14. Right Maria, so WHY do we always think we should tidy up?


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