
Saturday 8 January 2011

Clockwork Orange- or God made time - He didn't say anything about clocks.....

A couple of years ago I altered a canvas and added a clock. It was in pink, with some blue and purple splodges, some glitter fragments, and didn't really look bad. But I couldn't find the right wall to hang it on, so it ended up in the corner of my bedroom...Last week I had a visit from a friend. She LOVED that clock, and said it was ALMOST perfect (flippin' cheek - my things not quite perfect??!) But then she explained, her bedroom was decorated in yellow and orange, and if she could find a clock like that in orange tones, she would be sooooooooo happy. Tada! Now she's got one. Took another canvas, distressed, daubed and sprayed it with orange, yellow, pink, blue, some adirondack wild plum, indeed, everything I could get my hands on to make it more or less the right colour, added sparkly bits and fragments again, stuck down with mod-podge and glossy accents, and added a floral frame to fence in the clock. Yesterday she rang up to say that her clock arrived.... And she thinks it's absolutely perfect, except that it ticks a bit loud....well, I suppose you can't have everything, can you? Thanks for looking, and have a nice weekend!


  1. Lovely clock, well done, hugs, Sarah

  2. Oh wow they are fab clocks Valerie. Annette x

  3. How ungrateful of her! Tell her to stick some cotton wool in her ears! There's no pleasing some is there. I think they're both brilliant. jeanie xx

  4. Lovely clock Val! Hugs, T

  5. fab clocks that are art, as well as time hugs almax

  6. I think these are pretty damn perfect! Well done, Valerie, another masterpiece from your magical hands! I'd love to be able to make something like this, I'd be so proud to have it on my wall, maybe I'll have to have a go one day. Nice that your friend got the perfect clock for her room too. CoB

  7. Thanks a lot ladies, I love making clocks, or things that can be used!

  8. This is seriously awesome. For reals. I am in love with this piece!

  9. Wow. This is stunning, really beautiful.

    Hugs - Carole xxx


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