
Friday 5 November 2010

Pictures of autumn , some ATCs and a card....

After the rain and the wind of the past few days, most of the autumn leaves have flattered from the trees, forming a wonderful, red and gold carpet of leaves, which is lovely to walk through, kicking them up again and again.... But sometimes rather dangerous, too. The leaves act as a camouflage for the *mines* planted there by some dogs. I'm not blaming the dogs, either, just their owners!
Still, I will be very sorry when the red-gold beauty is finally swept away, leaving behind a cold and grey November.
Took a few photos of my favourite trees, of the sun rising over the airport, and of the trees in front of my balcony. And I made my October ATCs, which are going out rather late this time. Shame on me, as it was my turn to choose the theme, which I did, just didn't get round to making them (hangs head in shame).


  1. Fabulous ATCs Val (mine were late too! Shame on me as I organise the swap!lol)
    Today it's damp and miserable here - typical November weather.
    Sue xx

  2. Hi Suzie, glad I wasn't the only one!!

  3. Hi Val

    Listen to you two!!! I wasn't late, and I didn't chose the theme or organise the swap!!! Still, your ATCs are beautiful, so well worth the wait (and so was yours Sue!!!)

    When I started reading your description of the leaves and walking through them, my mind was torn between remembering having such a lovely time doing just that as a child, to being mindful these days of the doggy doo and then you mentioned it too!!! I did however have a lovely romp through some leaves this morning, but I was wearing my wellies so all was safe!!!

    Have a lovely weekend!

    Hugs - Carole xxx

  4. Yeah, yeah, I know I chose the theme, but it wa somehow a very busy month - we both had good excuses, honestly!!

  5. Gorgeous cards, as usual. Love the pics of the trees, too. Hugs, Sarah

  6. LOL another late one here, but carole was not I got a gorgeous one from her, thanks carole...

    fab photos val and love all your ATC...

    maria x

  7. Hi Val, your ATCs are gorgeous the gold embossing is fabulous. Great pictures from your window. The wind has been quite strong here, that and the rain is destroying all those wonderful leaves. Have a good weekend. Take care, Annette xx

  8. Beautiful atcs! Autumnal colours really are the best arent they, so vibrant and striking..lovely work Valerie. Loving your new-look blog too!
    Sue x

  9. Thanks Ladies, thought this was a cheery blog with autumn feel to it. The next one will be more Xmassy....

  10. Lovely pics and ATCs, enjoy your weekend,hugs, T


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