
Saturday 23 October 2010

Woohoo, I won a challenge!

Today when I got home from a nice day at my friend's I saw that I had won the *Let's Ink it Up* colours of halloween challenge with my *Halloween Tryptik*. I am really thrilled and this has made my day. This is my badge:

Thanks a lot, I'm off now to do a happy dance....


  1. Yaay! Good for you! Hugs, Sarah

  2. I seem to recall that you were having a bit of bother with this project...but look what you went and done - you won an award with it...welldone you, it really is a thing of beauty (and scary stuff!)
    Hugs, Sue x

  3. Thanks Sue! Yeah, everything stuck to me but not to the frame!! After the stress of the past weeks this award has really done me good!

  4. WTG Val! Thoroughly deserved - you are awesome with those inks.
    Sue xx

  5. Thanks Sue, my fingers always look awesome too!

  6. Well done Val all your sticky efforts were rewarded, very well deserved indeed hugs almaxx

  7. I am really thrilled for you Val as your work is always outstanding and you deserve to win. Couldn't happen to a nicer person.
    Hugs Annette x

  8. Well done Val your work is brill. Not sure how you would look with a knitted hat lol
    Hugs Shirley x x

  9. Thanks Shirl, and we shall see about that hat!!

  10. Just wonderful!!!!!
    Suzie xxxxx :)


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