
Saturday 16 October 2010

Autumn mists and other signs....

The past few days have been so cold that I was not really tempted to go out, but had to, as I had lots of things to see to. We are getting icy winds from the north and east, I even heard the word *snow* being spoken on the weather show, but I hope they were not talking about here! But I do love to watch the early morning mists, which creep over the fields behind the house, hiding the trees, and giving a glimpse of the hedge here and there. Sometimes they look like white ghosts or witches floating over the grass. But don't worry, I know they are not, even if Halloween (and Netty's birthday) are coming nearer and nearer. I was not in a very good mood this week, although I ususally like Autumn, but perhaps sometimes we all just need a time to grouse, and I think my recent surgery took it out of me more than I like to admit. But on one day we went to a garden centre, where I bought 2 little witches to hang up at the end of the month, and where I wanted to buy an autumn wreath for my door. But the prices were so high, that I decided to leave it. And last night I took an old polystyrene ring, wound some hessian round it, and then stuck on all the autumny bits and bobs I found in my decorations. Had fun working with my glue gun (only burnt myself once this time!) and lots of little black headed needles - which more often than not found their way into my fingers - and now I have a wreath for my door. The round thing in the middle is the spy hole, through which I can look to see who is standing outside, in case anyone should ring my bell. It's not the best wreath in the house - just sneaked around in my dressing gown and looked what the others have got on their doors - but it's mine, and all my own work. Thanks for lookng, and have a nice weekend!

I am entering this for the *Stampman* Autumn Challenge


  1. I want one, too!!! Have a nice weekend, Hugs, Sarah & Kids

  2. lovely photos val and a fab wreath, well done...

    maria x

  3. Val Your wreath is beautiful Do lots of people put wreaths on the doors for Halloween in Germany?, We do at Christmas but not Halloween hugs alma xx

  4. Thanks Girls. Yes, lots of people put a different wreath up for every occasion - spring, summer, autumn/halloween and Xmas. I do, too, as I like making decorations, now I will start on my Xmas one....

  5. Am not surprised you were feeling low, it has taken a lot out of you. But wowee that wreath is terrific and love the photo, such a great view. Congratulations Val on LIIU, so brilliantly deserved. Take care and have a great up to my eyes in glu at the change there
    Annette xx

  6. Thanks Netty, and don't touch anything while you are up to your eyes in glue or you might just get stuck....

  7. Lovely work again, Val, well done, I'm sure you can't buy a better wreath that yours! Hugs, T

  8. Thanks T, hope you & the family are well!

  9. A beautiful Autumn wreath Valerie, so cheery for these cold and sometimes dull days! Im sure it is much nicer than anything you could have bought at the garden centre too!
    Sue x

  10. Thanks Sue, but they did have some beauties there....


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