
Sunday 28 March 2010

A walk to Rhöndorf

Rhöndorf is a little district in the suburbs of Bad Honnef. The first German Chancellor after the second World War, Konrad Adenauer lived there, and his house - now a museum - can still be visited. Rhöndorf is also famous for its beautiful old houses, several of which are now *Wein Stuben* - wine restaurants, with a view to the vines growing on the slopes of the *Drachen Fels*, under the castle ruins, in the background. Well, today our afternoon walk led us there, in spite of hail-stones and rain showers. It was too early in the day to be drinking wine, so we went to an ice-parlour and enjoyed giant portions of delicious ice to strengthen us for the walk back to Bad Honnef, where we arrived just in time for tea....


  1. Wonderful photos Val! Hope the change of scene is doing you good.
    Sue xx

  2. beautiful photo's vall, looks so peaceful.
    gina xxxxx

  3. Lovely little town, so beautiful! Sarah

  4. lovely looking place val, very relaxing, hope you're doing OK...


    maria x


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