
Sunday 21 February 2010

Weather antics, buttons, beads and blog awards....

This morning I rolled bleary eyed out of bed. Nothing new, I do it every day. Staggered to the coffee maker for my first fix of the day. Looked out of the window. S-N-O-W!!! I was soooooooooooo sure that it was over and done with. Yesterday we even saw tulips and daffodils and flowering orchids. OK, it was in a garden centre, but it gave us HOPE. The weather was nice. The sun was shining. A bird was sitting in a snow-free tree trying to remember how to warble. And then SNOW!!! Again. I will not write what I said on seeing it, suffice to say I swore fluently in several languages congruently. Then I decided to make the best of it, made another bucket of coffee and headed for a long soak in the bath, with Dead-Sea salt crystals and mandarine essence (It's supposed to make you lively and alert). Well, it smelt nice, anyway, the soak helped my aching joints, I could hardly hear them creak as I rolled out of the tub afterwards. Went back into the living room and looked out of the window. YES, of course I had got dressed first. Surprise, surprise! The snow was gone. The sun was shining. I looked again, it could have been a fata morgana induced by coffee, Dead-Sea salts and manadarine essence. The snow WAS gone. But I could see a patch at the back of the field, so I hadn't imagined it. As I am writing this, the sun is shining, a bird is making a noise like a rusty bike-pump outside, and there are some dark clouds on the horizon waiting to throw snow or rain or sleet at us as soon as we look in the other direction.
Yesterday and the day before I was staying with a friend. We had a nice *old-girls* weekend - ate nice food, played all sorts of games - including snakes and ladders and ludo -*when ye do not become as the little children* - or something like that, went for a walk in *Schley's garden paradise* (wonderful!) and the best thing of all - we sorted out her button box. The garden paradise faded into insignificance at the sight of all those wonderful buttons, pearls, pins etc. Giant butons, tiny ones, wooden ones, shiny ones, jewelled ones, humble ones, pearls, beads, lovely little antique cards with wool on them, a giant mother of pearl shell - in a word - scrapper's paradise. Last night I spread them out on the sofa, let them run through my fingers, drooled over them, started making plans what I could do with them etc. And today, they are still on the sofa so that I can enjoy them before they go into my *treasure tins*. I'm not expecting visitors who might want to sit there - and anyway, there's plenty of room on the carpet!

And about those blog awards - well, something got atarted there.

There aren't enough people on Scrapbooking to give all the awards to that we have to keep giving on to 3 or 5 or 10 people, not to mention all the likes and dislikes, shoulds and should nots we have to admit to. So, now I have got this *Happy award* from Ann
and now I have to list - once again - ten things that make me happy. Here goes:
1. Looking at stash
2. Buying stash
3. Getting stash as a present
4. Playing with stash
6. Cash for stash
7. Drooling over new stash
8. Making mini books with stash
9. Recycling stash
10.People who like stash.

I am still thinking about which victims are going to get this blog award from me, perhaps for the umpteenth time, so WATCH THIS SPACE!!!


  1. Good story, but sometimes I am pleased that I don't have a blog anymore!

  2. Drooling over all those lovely buttons Val!
    Love your second list of ten too!lol
    Sue xx

  3. Thanks Susi, those buttons are really fantastic, I find something new everytime i run my hnad through them!

  4. im glad you had a great weekend valerie, and those buttons are the business, fabulous.
    love your lists of your loves. please ignore me and dont give me an award. lol im in hiding. lol
    enjoy the rest of your sunday.
    hugs gina xxxxxxxxxxxx

  5. OK, Gina, I'll think about not nominating you.....

  6. So pleased you had a fab weekend, wow those buttons are so yummy I want to play with them Love your list of 10 lol

  7. Thanks Alma, they really are lovely!


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