
Saturday 6 February 2010

Meet & Greet with Tim Holtz by *Bettypepper" Düsseldorf, Feb, 6th 2010

Today was THE BIG DAY. Tim Holtz was in Düsseldorf and visited our Scrapbook Laden *Bettypepper* Well done Betty on getting such a big fish hooked! We had a meet and greet, we each got a copy ot Tim's yummy new book , *A Compendium of Curiosities*, signed by the Master himself, and were able to chat to him, take pics, watch him work etc. It was quite expensive getting into the *Location*, but my best friend B bought me a ticket and enabled me a wonderful day. Took lots of pics, and gave Tim an album I had made, he even said he liked it! Then we had a group pic of the shop team with Tim, and he took some of his own of everyone who was there. His one complaint about Germany was that aren't enough *Starbucks* coffee shops!! But it was a day to remember for me!


  1. Val Wow, what amazing photos hes sounds like a really wonderful man as well as an amazing crafter, no wonder you had such a massive smile on your face Those photos are so wonderful, I bet this is a day you will remember for a long time hugs alma xx

  2. fabulous photo's vall, youve certainly had a wonderful day, we will want to see your photo's with tim in a frame. i bet your shattered now and on a high all at once. lol
    and thankyou sooooo much for my autograph, from tim, youve made my day. whhhooooppppeeeee!!
    hugs gina xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  3. wow Valerie your pics are great, sounds like you had such a fantastic day, im so pleased for you and glad u had a great time xx

  4. Hi Girls, it was just great, my head is soooooooooooooo full, I think I will be dreaming about it tonight!

  5. Sounds like a gorgeous day, wish I could have been there, too! T

  6. Glad you had such a wonderful time! I am sooooo jealous!
    Hugs Alyson x

  7. It was wonderful, Alyson, and def. worth being jealous about!!

  8. Hi Valerie, ich habe den Tag heute auch sehr genossen und T!M war wirklich unterhaltsam. Schön Dich mal in Echt gesehen zu haben :-)

  9. Hi Sabine, danke und ebenso! Ich hoffe, dass wir uns bald wieder treffen by Bettypepper!

  10. Wow! You lucky thing. Pleased you had such a fabulous day Val. Great photos.
    Sue xx

  11. Thanks Suse, it was really great!

  12. Hello Valerie! Your photos are wonderful! So glad to hear you had a fantastic time.
    Jackie:-) x

  13. Thanks Jackie, nice to hear from you again!

  14. sounds a fab day val and WOW what fab photos...

    oh you're so lucky, thank you so much for sharing...

    maria x

  15. Thanks Maria, it was really a day to remember, and I am very thanksful to my friend B who made it possible!

  16. Hi Val

    Finally managed to look at your photos and am so glad you had what looks like an absolutely wonderful day. I wasn't really in to TH until very recently but having watched loads of videos I'm beginning to understand what the fascination is!!

    You're such a lucky lady.


  17. Yeah, it was just a wonderful day, as he is my star!!

  18. Wow!!!! Your photo's are just wonderful Val. You look so happy and take a really nice picture :) So glad you enjoyed your day with Tim, I'm sure you could give him a few tips with all your lovely work. I did watch the German QVC, OMG!!! what were those woman like?! I'm not sure how poor old Tim got through it, lol!
    So glad you had such a lovely day!
    Suzie xxxxx :)

  19. Those women were very trying, he said they got him rathe *irritated* That says a lot. I think I wouold have killed them!


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