
Sunday 31 January 2010

A bleak, black and snowy weekend with plenty of time for crafting....

I was not in a good mood this weekend. The weather was bad, snow again, and my mood was even worse. I had been looking forward all week to cropping with my friend on Friday, but she was ill, so we had to cancel our crop, and that was the last straw. So, I got stuck into my crafting to try and tide myself over a long, cold and lonely weekend. I have been trying to use up paper from a stack of paper that I don't much like, which meant thinking of new ways to do things. Made another layout using similar techniques to the *spring-cleaning* one, just with other colours. It is a very fiddly job, cutting out petals and leaves and butterflies with a small nail-scissors, but I was quite happy with the results. I used an old photo showing the aunties - or great aunts of my husband, taken at a wedding in 1910. They are standing there so stiff and somehow looking very anxious, and I had to think of Gilbert & Sullivans *Mikado* and the *Three Little Maids who all unwary, come from a ladies' seminary...* I hope you enjoy looking at it!


  1. Val it's gorgeous! Well worth the effort.
    Sue xx

  2. lovely layout val, love the flowers, yes agree with sue well worth the effort, well done...

    maria x

  3. beautiful vall, as always.
    love the flowers, and yes its well worth the effort.
    sorry you had a bad weekend, i hope this week improves for you.
    hugs gina xxxxxxx

  4. Wow Val what a fab book and those flowers they are so yummy alma x

  5. Thanks for your kind comments, Gina & Alma!


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