
Sunday 27 December 2009

Things are brightening up???

What was that rubbish I wrote a few days ago? Here everything is grey-in-grey, cold, raining, not a soul to be seen or heard. Looks more like we are heading for doomsday than brightening up. In a few days it will be new year. The only resolutions I can think of are downright scary, so I think I have 2 options - either I stick my head in the sand (pity, no bucket of sand within reach) or I read a book till it's all over.
At the beginning of January 2008 I wrote a poem about hibernating, perhaps that really would be the answer:
*If I were a bear
I would sleep in my lair
Cuddled up with my mate
From early till late.
In our cave warm and deep
All winter we’d sleep,
We would lose all out fat -
Now just fancy that!
In the spring we would wake,
Our slim hips would shake
Then go out for a bath
And have a good laugh.
We’d catch some nice fish
To eat with no dish,
And enjoy the fresh air -
If I were a bear!* ((c) Valerie-J Tups)

Unfortunately, I'm not a bear, just a (sometimes)lonely person well past her best-buy-before date.
Any suggestions? DON'T TELL ME!!!


  1. Hibernating has a lot going for it Valerie in my view! Just focus on your last post...spring IS ON ITS WAY!!! Together we can craft our way to it...getting ready to moan about it being too hot lol!
    Big hugs Valerie, Sue x

  2. THanks Sue, remind me when to start moaning about the heatwaves, OK?

  3. Just think this festive period will be over soon and spring will be awaking with it wonderful new growth and we can all moan about the heat lol I wish ...

    hugs from alma xx

  4. i think we all do a bit of hibernating vall, and we get rescused by our true friends. we will get encouraged, to come out of the cave bit by bit, day by day. and before you know it, everything is all safe again, the sun is shinning, plenty of crafting to be done. your craft cafe, will want more and more from you. you wont have time to sit and feel sad.
    lots and lots of sparkles on route for you.
    hugs gina xxxxxxxx


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