
Saturday 5 September 2009

Chips with ketchup and majo...

Today is Saturday. A pleasant day, time to do what I want or to leave what I don't want to do. The weather is pleasant, a typical late summer, or perhaps early autumn day. The cycle of time seems to turn faster and faster with every approaching or passing birthday. Yesterday I was at the old people's home where I work, a beautiful place, which offers a cultivated ambience and good food and care to all residents. But yesterday, 2 old ladies didn't seem to enjoy their lunch of fried fish, potatoes and salad, although it was delicious. Tastes are known to be different. Then I watched how 2 of our old girls put their jackets on and left the home, rather surrepticiously, with lots of giggling, and looking back over their shoulders. I watched them out of my window, and saw that they went to the takeaway across the road, where they shared a paper plate of chips with ketchup and mayonnaise or *majo* as it is called here. They enjoyed their lunch no end, and came giggling and rather guiltily back to the home. I asked if they had been for a walk, and they said, with lots of giggles again, that they had been for a few steps in the park to digest their dinners. Later, when I was drinking coffee with them, they told me their "big secret" and were still giggling like 2 small girls at school. I asked them if it was better, and they answered "it was just something different, it was fun!" And I think that really was the whole point of it. We have the whole world in front of our door, we just need to open it, go out, and enjoy what's on the other side of the road. Take a taste of something different, before it's too late!


  1. Wise words Valerie!
    I too notice that the years are going by faster and faster. We need to "carpe diem" and get out of our comfort zone occasionally.
    Sue xx

  2. This is true, Susie, it is so importatnt to use the time while one can....

  3. oooo ketchup n mayo on chips yummy.

  4. what a fab story, and brilliant for them. i could just see them giggling like a pair of school children.
    gina xxxxx

  5. Yes, that was the lovely thing about it, sometimes the oldies are just like giggly little girls, really sweet!

  6. Lovely story Valerie. Jst been looking at all your slides shows, fab stuff!
    Jackie :-)


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