
Monday 24 August 2009

Thank you Susie-J for my award.

This is my first award and I am very proud of it. THANK YOU SO MUCH SUSIEJ!!I am really thrilled and a bit at a loss for words, which doesn't often happen. There are some conditions attached - I must thank SusieJ, for giving it to me and pass the award on to five other Bloggers - will be done in the course of the day- and list 5 things I am addicted to. Well, that's easy:
Scrapping, buying stash for scrapping, going places where there are craft stores to buy stash for scrapping, drinking coffee and eating chocolate (which I try to reduce to a minimum)
Thanks again SusieJ


  1. ROFL at your addictions Valerie! Think us scrappers are all the same!
    Sue xx

  2. congratulations vall, so rightly deserved.
    gina xxxxxxxx

  3. Yeah, We are all addicted and a bit crazy, that's what makes it so nice, who wants to be normal?? Anyway, today it is not normal to be normal, in America you are weird if you don't go to a psychiatrist....

  4. well done valerie on your award...

    but what is 'normal' please explain as I don't know the meaning if it, lol...

    maria x


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