
Wednesday 26 August 2009

DoodlesDumpkinsAward for me - WOW! and it is going also to; Sue Bubbles, Gina, SusieJ, I'm Maria and Crafty Tracy!

Valerie's Award

Conditions of this award:
1. You have to put it onto your blog.
2. You have to continue to make us smile.
3. You have to pass it on to 5 friends and notify them.
4. You have to say who awarded it to you.
5. You have to list 5 things we didn't know about you.

Condition 1 - done!!
Condition 2 - This will be a pleasure!
Condition 3 - will be done asap, with pleasure!
Condition 5 - this will be hard! OK, let's start;
5 things you don't yet know about me.....
(a) I am not normal.
(b) I am proud of not being normal.
(c) I studied theology, psychology and philosophy - which proves (a) and (b)
(d) I am retiring at the end of the year (my boss doesn't know it yet, either!)
(e) I am addicted to plastic bums (For strangers who may land on this blog by mistake explanations will follow in the near future!)

Wow, Doodles, now I have really let my trousers down! Thanks again for the award!
I am passing this award on to Sue Bubbles (The Crafty World of sue-bubbles), 'Cause she's been through a lot and always comes out on top,
Gina (to encourage her to start her blog!)and 'cause she keeps us all going, SusieJ (This Is My World),another lovely girl with a wonderful dog called Max, Hi I'm Maria (Scrappers delight)'cause she's a lovely girl and Tracy (Crafty Tracy). 'cause she has a big heart for animals.


  1. Thanks sooooo much Valerie!
    Sue xx

  2. thankyou vall, i will one day get a blog going. goodness knows what i would write about, as i dont do anything. apart from talking to you wonderful ladies. you all keep me going, smiling and laughing.
    big hugs gina xxxxxx

  3. Well, that's what we want to see and hear!!


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