
Sunday 30 August 2009

Currant buns and a crafty Sunday.

Today was a really nice, sunny day here in Rheinland. For some of our politicians the sun won't be shining as there are county-parliament elections today, and some will probably be very unhappy over the results this evening. I decided to have a crafting day. Yesterday evening I started covering paper for a mini album, and after my morning coffee I got to work on it and spent 6 hours filling the pages. The time went by in a flash, and it is always a good feeling when a new piece is finished. As I wanted to craft, I decided to make my meal this evening - later on I will make hot chilli chicken wings - and thought a currant bun would do for a morning snack. I had lots of boxes and tins full of crafty bits and bobs spread out through my flat, and made a firm resolve to clear everything away when my album was finished. I kept feeling peckish while I was crafting, so I took a second bun, and a bit later number three, because I felt really hungry. After finishing I really did clear up. Sorted all my bits and pieces, paper to paper, buttons to buttons etc. And then as I looked in the button box, what did I see? A bit more than half a currant bun, must have put it in there while I was rummaging for the right button. And in the paper box - same story again. Half a currrant bun, still fresh. And the third one turned up in the kitchen, on the coffee-maker, just minus one bite. At least I now know why I was still hungry, and am looking forward to my evening meal. Perhaps I will use a plate this time, as I don't want to be finding bones in the wardrobe tomorrow!


  1. ROFL Val! It's amazing where those currant buns turn up! Fab album - as always.
    Sue xx

  2. Yeah, and I ate them, too! Don't like wasting....

  3. LOL with the buns valerie, I'm like that with my drinks always forgetting where I've put it, lol..

    pleased you didn't waste them...

    maria x

  4. Im the same as Maria, I can never finish a cuppa whilst in the middle of a project. I go off and make another, then find the abandoned one!

  5. And I thought I was the only one with such bad habits! But I did eat all the chicken wings, and threw the bones away, so I won't be finding them anywhere!

  6. Oh that is funny! Love the book that is so clever. Kim


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