
Saturday 31 August 2019

Weekend post

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend is going well! We had another hot day here, but the weather folk have promised us that from tomorrow it will be cooler - I soooooo hope they are right!

At Tag Tuesday Michele's theme is purple, and this time I have made 2 tags with lots of purple splodges and put them together to make a tag concertina book. The 6" tags were collaged, and sewed to painted corrugated cardboard which I recycled. I cute a long strip of cream coloured card stock to 68 x 15 cms and folded it to make the pages each 9 x 15 cms. I fixed the pages to the back of the tags with DS adhesive tape. I sewed some smaller pages into the middle of each side to give more room for journaling.

The front(left) and back (right):

Both sides of the 'concertina' folds:

A view from above - sorry about the messy scribble pad underneath, I took the photos in my arty kitchen:

I had 2 walks today, the first one along the Rhine and through our little town, and the second one through the fields and woods to Schloss Kalkum:

The renovation of the facade is now finished after over 2 years, the tarps and nets have been removed and the building is now as it should be, in all its baroque glory:

The flower bike in front of the cornfield:

 I loved this narrow path between high hedges:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 29 August 2019

Friday post on Thursday evening

Hi Everybody!

Another week is flying by and it's nearly weekend. It was a little bit cooler here today, and although we still have 2 or 3 hot days in front of us it should really cool down after that  happy dance! And that's a good word to introduce this A3  (12" x 17")journal page. I made it weeks back and forgot to post it. The centre piece is painted, textured and splattered, and stenciled with the dancers using a Stencil Girl stencil. I framed it with a piece of DP  from which I cut away the centre. This  I used it to fussy cut the flowers with which I decorated it. I gave the dancers some textile skirts which were also sewn on:

I am linking to Paint Party Friday and TIOT, in my garden there is - flowers and 'little maids all in a row'

The tag (10") is for  Michele's 'purple' challenge at Tag Tuesday. The background is a remnant of painted card, which I matted with some purple card-stock. The 2 young ladies (TH) are at a ball - and they are having a ball! Their mum said they had to be back home by midnight, but they haven't looked at the clock. I think there will trouble in store for them when they get home, unless they can think up a very good excuse! The words are also from TH.

I am linking to Simon Wednesday challenge, anything goes

Also linking to Soma's wandering camera

The photos were taken on last Sunday's walk through the fields to the next village and back again along the Rhine:

The cattle were clever and hid in the shade:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 28 August 2019

Colours and black and white

Hi Everybody!

Today has been very hot and humid, and this evening the thunder clouds are building, and we even had a little rain. The weather should get more normal by Thursday, I just hope the weather forecast people are right.

Today I am sharing pics from another art tote I made these past days. I started it 2 weeks ago in art-group, inspired by a dress I saw in a shop window. I used a large sheet of heavy water-colour paper, 18" x 14", using acrylic paints and an Edding to finish the circles. This was as far as I got during class:

This dress and shop window were my inspiration:

Later I stamped some small circles and coloured them with brush pens before sewing it with red and yellow thread to a large sheet of recycled card, which I had edged with some wide tape in turquoise:

I folded the edge of the cardboard down about an inch to strengthen it and secured it with DS tape. Then I hammered in eyelets and hit my thumb with a hammer. Tip - don't watch TV when you are hammering eyelets into something....

I sewed another piece of cardboard in the same size to make the back of the bag. This was hard going as the machine did not want to sew through so many layers - but in the end, it was done. I first tried it with some blue denim handles, but didn't like it:

So I changed the handles to white cord which I found in my stash:

I will not normally be carrying it around, it is just meant as a storage tote for large journal pages etc:

And here it is hanging on my closet door for a photo:

I am quite happy with the results. It's not perfect, but it doesn't have to be!
I have also finished an album I started at art group, that will be shown in another post. I am trying to make things which I can use.

Some photos from this week - sunrise:

 I love the furrows in the fields:

The fire-brigade boat:

Coffee at the market place on Tuesday morning:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming  by!